Costa Rica unravels mystery and rules out ‘unknown flu’; turns out to be common type

a type of possible situation Unknown influenza that humans have never seen before It turns out this is a common type in Costa Rica.This person has a AH3N2 influenza virusIt is a subtype of the common seasonal influenza virus that has appeared several times in the country.

However, the health ministry said in a press release that these results are preliminary and that results from samples sent to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are still pending. English abbreviations).

In addition, as part of the measures, the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS) has been in contact with passengers on flights related to suspected cases, as well as family members with symptoms. To date, no suspected secondary cases have been reported.

At present, the health department has not released the gender, age or symptoms of the infected person. Neither the date of the infection nor the circumstances under which it occurred have been determined.

According to the latest epidemiological bulletin from the Ministry of Health, influenza A is the third most widespread respiratory virus in 2024. The most common is SARS-CoV-2, which causes covid-19.

Types of Flu

AH2N3 is one of several subtypes of influenza A viruses, as is AH1N1, which caused the 2009 and 2010 pandemics, or AH5N1, known as “bird flu.”

According to the CDC, there are four types of influenza viruses: A, B, C, and D. Types A and B are responsible for seasonal influenza epidemics. Type C virus is less contagious and has milder symptoms, while type D virus affects livestock but has not been found in humans. Each type has different subtypes, and each subtype has different strains. As is characteristic of respiratory viruses, they mutate and create different variants.

These influenza A viruses can infect the nose, throat, and in some cases the lungs. Most cases are mild, but hospitalization and death can occur, especially in older adults, patients with immune problems, and people with chronic health problems who have not received the flu vaccine.

A viruses are divided into hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N) according to their surface proteins. Therefore, the names of subtypes carry different abbreviations and the letters H and N. There are 18 hemagglutinin subtypes and 11 neuraminidase subtypes, numbered 1 to 18 and 1 to 11 respectively. There are many possible combinations, but not all have been found in humans, so when suspicion arises, such as the case found in Costa Rica, subsequent analysis is performed.

The Ministry of Health explains that variants of the influenza A virus have been detected over the years not generated Transmission from person to person. Human-to-human transmission and the ease with which it spreads may cause more or less concern.


Salud takes this opportunity to remember ways to prevent the flu:

  • Get your flu vaccine promptly. This doesn’t completely prevent infection, but it can prevent complications.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water or use alcohol gel for hand hygiene.
  • Sneeze or cough into your forearm.
  • If you have cold symptoms, try not to go out. Use a mask if you go to a closed public place or to a health center.
  • If you leave the country, do not visit farms or come into contact with sick farm animals.

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