Europe responds to Spanish case of human swine flu with new details

January 30 last year animal health Exclusively reported a possibility Human infection cases Due to the mutation of the virus Swine flu A worker at a pig farm in Catalonia was infected with influenza A(H1N1)v.

Now, European health authorities have responded to the case and provided new details in a report, noting that the patient had no history of underlying medical conditions and Symptoms appear (Cough with mucopurulent sputum, fever, general malaise, and myalgia) November 25, 2023.

Actually, 3 outpatient visits Within three weeks after symptoms appear. Finally, since no evidence of pneumonia was found after a chest X-ray, the patient was diagnosed with bronchitis. European authorities reported that the patient had fully recovered.

December 12, 2023 Nasal secretion sample Oropharyngeal influenza A test was positive and subtype classification was not possible.It was subsequently analyzed at the Regional Reference Laboratory of Catalonia and identified as H1N1 Swine Flu. The sample has been sent to the National Institute of Microbiology for confirmation and the viral isolate will be shared with WHO collaborating centres.

so far No new cases were found among close contacts (relatives) of the case, nor between colleagues on the farm through an epidemiological investigation, which, according to Spanish authorities, is considered closed. After expert identification, all genes are consistent with the currently circulating swine viruses.

total, and Since 2011, 73 cases of infection have been reported Globally, infected by A(H1N1)v, Brazil (2), Canada (1), China (42), Denmark (2), Germany (5), Italy (1), Netherlands (6), Spain ( 2), Switzerland (3) and the United States (9).

exist 2023 (by year of diagnosis or onset), report 6 cases A(H1N1) virus, including two cases found in EU/EEA countries: Spain (1) and the Netherlands (1). According to reports, the last case in Spain started in 2022.

Spanish swine flu cases no accident

Accordingly, health authorities recalled that sporadic transmission of swine-origin influenza viruses to humans, causing mild to severe infections, has been reported in several countries, including the European Union and the European Economic Area.

“Swine influenza viruses circulate widely among pigs, and direct human contact with pigs is the most common risk factor for infection. Therefore, The emergence of H1N1 virus cases in Spain is not unexpected”, they pointed out.

They also noted that cases occurred in otherwise healthy people, Sporadic infection cannot be ruled out When people come into direct contact with infected animals without taking protective measures.

“When human infection is detected, Contact tracing required Eliminate post-contact transmission and take control measures to prevent human-to-human transmission. ” they explained.

Also, please remember Zoonotic influenza viruses isolated from patients should be sequenced and further characterized and shared with the National Influenza Reference Laboratory and WHO Collaborating Centers.

That is, they insist that For the general population, the overall risk of transmission of this influenza is very low Due to the high prevalence of swine influenza viruses in pig herds, infection rates among occupational contacts are low. Sporadic cases are expected.

“they are Monitoring zoonotic influenza events Conduct epidemiological intelligence activities through collaboration with disease experts to identify potential significant changes in viral epidemiology,” they concluded.

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