What are the variants of AH3N2 virus?Flu leads to quarantine of Bogota military academy students

10:22 am

Death of Cadet Christopher Blanco Vazquez The General José María Córdoba Cadet School in Bogota notified health authorities of an outbreak of severe acute respiratory infection (SARI), which has spread within the institution and has infected 268 people.

According to the latest report from the Bogota Regional Health Secretariat, the SARI virus that has been circulating since the end of January “may be related to the virus that is circulating.” Influenza AH3N2” or H3N2v According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Contains genes from humans, pigs and birds.

The virus is a variant of influenza A, causing seasonal outbreaks of human disease what does it have Symptoms are similar to those of the common flu; However, it is likely to cause severe respiratory illness. According to research by the World Health Organization (WHO), This influenza A variant can have dramatic health consequences. Due to its spread, it could even cause a pandemic.

The first cases of this variant from pigs date back to 1968 When they were discovered in Hong Kong, they sparked a flu pandemic that ultimately killed 4 million people in the Asian region.therefore Influenza A H3N2 Known as the “Hong Kong Flu”.

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Since then, outbreaks of the disease have been concentrated in different parts of the world.The latest is August 2011 in the United States.The virus then mutated into During the winter of 2017 to 2018, Australia experienced an outbreak of Australian influenza.

It has also been introduced many times In addition to the recent cases in Colombia, isolated cases of AH3N2 infection have emerged in the United States, Peru, and Mexico.

There is currently no information indicating that the transmission characteristics of H3N2 viruses are different from seasonal influenza viruses. Therefore, CDC recommends that infection control principles and actions associated with seasonal influenza also apply to the control of H3N2. ” However, as has happened in the past, Complications of this disease can lead to death.

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Symptoms of the AH3N2 variant are similar to seasonal influenza viruses and may include Fever, cough, or runny nose, and possibly other symptoms such as muscle aches, Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

– Fever (body temperature above 38°C).

– Headache and muscle pain.

– Dry cough.

– Inflammation of the throat.

– Fatigue.

– Vomited.

– diarrhea.

– nausea.

How is the cadet emergency going?

At the end of the first day of the epidemiological investigation, “we conducted a tour that allowed us to investigate each case that emerged, the presence of symptoms, the clinical evolution and the measures taken,” the Regional Health Secretariat reported. There are 268 confirmed exposure cases and 103 symptomatic cases.

Of those identified cases, they said 99 were clinically stable, in 11 people have recovered.

Likewise, they reported Two infected people are being treated in general hospitals, one is in the intermediate intensive care unit, and the other has died.

They also confirmed A quarantine area was set up Starting Monday, February 5th, Will be extended to next Wednesday, February 14th “For existing cases, as long as no new cases are identified.”

They advised the public from the Secretariat on “the importance of maintaining well-ventilated spaces, “If contagion occurs, use a mask and follow instructions for vaccination against influenza and covid-19.”

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