Foods you have at home can help prevent the flu: Here’s how you can prepare – LIVE

Although the sun has risen recently and the weather has improved, we cannot forget that we are still in the middle of winter and we need to continue to stay warm and go out.Because yes, it’s still cold out and not wearing a jacket means The difference between being infected or not.

We’ve been talking about the flu, COVID-19, and Influenza A all winter as incidence rates have increased dramatically and many people have developed complications and ended up going to the doctor. Yes, respiratory infections occur every winter, and we try to protect ourselves before we get them.

That’s what we’re going to talk about because a lot of times, diet is the key to building up our defenses and avoiding any of these diseases. We all have something in our house that helps us not get infected.

It is none other than Ginger. This plant contains up to 400 compounds and is rich in fiber, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and protein. Of course, it contains ingredients that strengthen our immune system, Has antitussive, anti-inflammatory or antibiotic effects.

Note that, additionally, we can prepare it in different ways, which will mean the same effect for your immune system. You can drink it as an infusion or in any dish of the day, whether powdered or raw.

If you are one of those who regularly suffers from melatonin, you are sure to think of many solutions: from melatonin-containing medications to following expert guidelines, such as staying away from screens and devices. Play on your phone a few hours before bed. However, they don’t always work and you need to look for other solutions.

According to these researchers, if you want to fall asleep easily, you have to start changing your eating habits.If you don’t want to lose sleep, you have to take Dessert is two fruits, Not necessarily at the same time.

For one thing, bananas are very rich in not only potassium and antioxidants, but also tryptophan, which helps produce melatonin.The same thing happens with cherries. Eating cherries before bed can help you give birth. More melatonin and falling asleep earlier.

If you don’t want to drink it straight, the easiest way to prepare it is to put it into a smoothie or drink it with dairy products like yogurt. Of course, if you have to choose between the two, these experts recommend picking the cherry, This will help you produce more melatonin.

Ginger: the perfect ally for losing age

Ginger can be taken in many forms: fresh, dried, powdered… It is mainly used in gastronomy, but also in the cosmetic sector.. That’s because it has a ton of health benefits, thanks first and foremost to one of its most important ingredients: Gingerol.

Gingerol is an essential oil that gives ginger its spicy flavor and is the active compound responsible for most of its medicinal properties. In addition, it contains many other nutrients and when eaten raw is rich in minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium or phosphorus and certain vitamins such as C, B2, B3 and B6.

Regarding its cosmetic uses, ginger has antioxidant properties due to the gingerol it contains, It prevents the accelerated degradation of collagen and protects our skin from free radicals that prolong skin aging and the appearance of dreaded wrinkles. Therefore, it is highly recommended to apply it on the skin in the form of a mask or use gels, creams and shampoos containing ginger.

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