Aragonese hospitals treated 200 emergency cases of influenza last week, four times less than a month ago

The incidence of influenza continues to decrease in Aragon, although this respiratory infection still exceeds epidemic levels. However, the burden of care in health centers has been decreasing.Thus, a total of 200 influenza emergencies (1.7% of the total) were dealt with in Aragon hospitals last week (January 29 to February 4), of which 38 Required for admission. The number of inquiries for these services was 834, four times less than a month ago.

This is from Aragon Epidemiological BulletinUpdated Thursday, the report said flu rates exceeded the base threshold of 59.6 cases per 100,000 people set for the season for the seventh week in a row. The curve peaked at 334.8 cases in the second week of the year.

about acute respiratory infection, the global incidence rate is 695.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. A month ago it was 1,368.3. For its part, the severe acute respiratory infection rate is 22.8 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (37.5 cases in the second week of January). People over 79 years old have the highest incidence rate (68.8), followed by people aged 65 to 79 years (37.7).

The epidemiological information collected in the bulletin shows that there were no influenza-related epidemics this week.However, it does move a Acute norovirus gastroenteritis outbreak Among the users of a closed institution in Huesca. 30% of users and workers are affected. Most cases begin with vomiting and then progress smoothly. Human-to-human transmission is suspected and general precautions are recommended to control the outbreak.

85 cases of Q fever in Aragon in 8 years

This week’s public health topic concerns Q fever from 2015 to 2023. It is a zoonotic disease caused by Rickettsia burnetii, Acquired primarily through direct contact with infected animalsespecially livestock, through inhalation of particles contaminated with bacteria, contact with tissues or body fluids of infected animals, and consumption of unpasteurized dairy products.

Q fever can come in different forms, from a mild self-limiting illness to a severe, chronic illness.Symptoms may vary, but the most common include High fever, headache, chillsmuscle pain, fatigue and general malaise.

According to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), in 2022 Spain was the community country with the highest number of reported cases (303) and the highest incidence rate (0.64 cases per 100,000 inhabitants).Consider Q fever Notifiable infectious diseases since 2015. It is important to emphasize that to be considered a confirmed case, seroconversion is required, among other things.

Between 2015 and 2023, 85 cases of Q fever were reported in Aragon, of which: 61 people hospitalized. 69.4% of cases were male. The province with the highest number of cases is Zaragoza (58.3%), followed by Huesca (33.3%)

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