Health department denies hospital collapse during flu peak

It has been a complicated few months in the health sector of the military junta in Andalusia. After the November data is released waiting list – Count to 192,000 Andalusians await surgery– , at the end of the year Deputy counselor and manager of Andalusia Health Service (SAS) resign. The last straw was a strike called by the union in mid-January. Respiratory virus epidemic wave, a shock plan that calls for more resources and reduced waiting lists.This is a breeding ground exploited by the opposition, which has not stopped demanding Branch consultant Catalina García resigns, Undermining Juanma Moreno’s absolute majority.Because of this, the first meeting Alternative Governments by Juan Espadas It revolves around Andalusian health care and includes key figures within Spain’s Socialist Workers Party, such as former Basque health minister José Manuel Freire and former health minister Silvia Carlson.

In this difficult situation, the health minister is faced with intervention First debate of the year in the Andalusian Parliamentbearing in mind that work on the waiting list has been completed so that no Andalusian is excluded from the safeguarding decree, and that measures such as self-care, continuity of care and the use of external resources through private clinics have been implemented.

Catalina Garcia did not explain the outcome of her plan Waiting list data has not been updated either. He simply explained that the agreed measures would continue to be implemented.He said his policy priority was Increase SAS assistance activities through self-concerts. In this sense, he reported that 120 million euros will be allocated in 2023, allowing 2.5 million overtime hours and 9,000 special surgeries.He announced that the budget for solo concerts will increase by 2024140 million euros, an increase of 66% compared to 2018.

Responding to the opposition, the health minister said: “We focus first on ourselves and, as a last resort, referral to private facilities.” €9 million was provided to Andalusian businessmen to build and manage a private hospital, Hospital Bulevar, in Jaén. In this regard, García reminded the Socialists that he was the former mayor of Jaén, Julio Millán (PSOE), the person who signed the land transfer agreement for this project.

In his speech, Garcia emphasized the management of the Andalusian Public Health Center during respiratory virus epidemics. “No crashes or overflows”he assured after announcing the evolution high frequency plan. “In the week of January 11, when the peak occurred, only 9 of the 51 centers were in the first phase of the existing 3 centers. “This winter, there is no collapse, but tension,” he emphasized.

The head of the health department appeared at his own request to report on the health situation in Andalusia, a region that “shares problems with other communities” and is experiencing “The situation is tense.” He attributes this to three reasons. First, he listed the consequences of this incident: coronavirus disease pandemic to SAS. In this regard, he assured that the number of surgical operations in 2020 was 8,000 less than in 2019, or 21%, and that this situation “is dragging on.”

As a second reason, he points out Lack of medical professionals. “The employment pool is empty, short vacations and retirement are also difficult. The government has failed to take corrective measures for five years,” he criticized.

Garcia said the third factor contributing to tensions at the SAS was “Increase in health care activity.” “Never before have there been so many surgeries, a 14% increase from 2018,” he said.

The Andalusian government’s health minister made no mention of the resignations within the Ministry of Health in November during her appearance, despite all opposition groups demanding an explanation from her.

The hardest thing is Socialist Party health spokesperson Maria Angeles Prieto, who she blamed for the departures of two senior members of the team. “Hundreds of health centers are closed in the afternoon, appointments in primary schools are not decreasing every week and I am afraid that the waiting lists are growing. There has been a series of resignations due to their incompetence,” Prieto stressed. Administrators at Juan Ramon Jiménez Hospital in Huelva are having a hard time finding a replacement.

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