Reduction in respiratory infections eliminates the need for masks in health centers

The wearing of masks will no longer be mandatory in Andalusian health centers this Saturday, where its use is recommended. The decision was made after analysis by public health experts. acute respiratory infection rate (IRA) in the Autonomous Region, Decline for third consecutive week There are 360 ​​cases per 100,000 inhabitants.In response, the Department of Health and Consumer Affairs The use of masks continues to be recommended in health centres, on public transport or in crowded places., such as libraries or shopping malls, because the virus is still spreading.In this sense, they influence the use of masks by disadvantaged groups -Those over 60 years old, suffering from chronic diseases, or pregnant women-, and anyone experiencing respiratory virus symptoms -Coughing, sneezing, fever-.

Furthermore, Andalusian hospitals are on average in Phase 0 of the high-frequency programme, which means that globally the percentage of the number of emergencies visiting hospitals within three days has increased by less than 10%. a row.

specific, 70.59% of hospital centers are at plan level 0, that is, the number of emergency rooms in 36 of 51 hospitals has increased by less than 10% for three consecutive days, of which 15.69% (8 hospitals) are in the first stage and 13.73% (7 centers) are in the second stage. There are no hospitals in the third phase, Francisco Triviño.

Garcia detailed how the program works and what aspects are monitored daily by all public health care centers in Andalusia, emphasizing that this is fluctuating data that can change in hours or even minutes.

The SAS managing director wishes to reiterate Tranquility’s message to the public “because “Health centers and their professional staff are prepared to meet any increase in demand related to respiratory viruses, whether or not due to high attendance rates.”. Likewise, he insisted that “all patients are treated in the shortest possible time, health care is safeguarded and the entire system is prepared to cope with increased demand.”

This week, the incidence of acute respiratory infections continued to decline in various regions. Influenza, COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) activity has declined in primary care and hospitals.

Emergency and admission data

A total of 37,043 hospital emergencies were registered in Andalusia during the first three days of this week, an increase of 5.76% (2,020 cases) compared to the same period last week, from 35,023 to 37,043 cases. Seville and Malaga are the provinces with the highest concentration of emergencies, with 8,018 and 6,425 cases respectively.

In terms of the number of hospitalizations, the number of hospitalizations in Andalusia increased from 2,594 last week to 2,693 in the past three days, an increase of 3.81% (99 new admissions). In terms of emergencies, Seville and Malaga top the list with 639 and 503 hospital admissions respectively.

According to the standard of high frequency for three consecutive days, the emergency department proportion (5.76%) and the admission proportion (3.81%) both increased compared with the previous week.

“The proportion of emergency admissions to total emergency admissions is similar to the current normal situation, indicating that the severity of the disease being treated is similar.”” said the SAS General Manager.

In terms of urgent care provided in primary care centres, 128,437 urgent care cases were attended to last week, a decrease of 16,530 cases on the previous week. A total of 30 regions are in Phase 0, which is growth below 15% of baseline activity.

Last winter, Andalusian hospitals treated more than 1.1 million emergencies between December and February, of which only 7.6% required hospitalization.

During the season’s high attendance period (from October 15 to the present), 1,207,000 people have been treated by Andalusia Hospital Emergency Services, 7.5% of whom required hospitalization.Therefore they are appreciated Visitor numbers were very similar to last yearemergency admissions as a proportion of total emergency department admissions are similar to what is typical for this time of year.

Influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations without an appointment

SAS managing director calls for vaccinations to continue. until the end of the event Walk-in vaccinations will continue for influenza, covid-19 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Anyone in a high-risk group who is close to a primary care vaccination site.

For influenza and COVID-19, these groups include people over 60, people with chronic diseases, health and social care workers, pregnant women, security and military forces, cohabitants of high-risk groups and smokers. Additionally, it is important to remember that children aged 6 to 59 months receive the childhood flu vaccine.

The influenza vaccination rate for people over 65 years old reached 65.5%, and the COVID-19 vaccination rate reached 47.8%. Influenza vaccination coverage for children aged 6 to 59 months is 45.5%, 131,328 boys and girls have been vaccinated.

A total of 1,800,71 people have received the influenza vaccine and 1,134,930 people have received the COVID-19 vaccine. highest ratio vaccination coverage Among older people registered in residential centersThe population is approximately 46,000, with a flu vaccination rate of 91% and a COVID-19 vaccination rate of 85.3%.

Since September 25 last year, 47,491 babies have been vaccinated against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), the leading cause of bronchiolitis. More than 93% of minors have received the vaccine. As a result of this action against RSV, hospitalizations in Andalusia decreased by 78%.

Coordination with residential centers

To improve care for older adults in residential centers, SAS has launched a Coordination agreement between primary care teams, nursing homes, hospitals and 061 health emergency centers to detect precociously infectious pathology. Additionally, it aims to guarantee continuity of care for those who must be hospitalized.

this coordination agreement It was piloted in Córdoba and has now been expanded throughout Andalusia. Regardless of high-frequency periods, SAS will continue to facilitate coordination of care for seniors in residential centers.

The Department of Health and Consumer Affairs has also launched Information campaigns through Salud Responde to advise people on how to deal with influenza, influenza A or covid-19. Andalusian citizens will therefore be able to learn how to act in the event of a respiratory infection, receiving advice on dealing with the most common symptoms through the telephone number 955 545 060 and the Salud Responde app. Health professionals who are experts in the field have designed a set of general guidelines for anyone to follow if they have a fever over 38 degrees, a cough or a lot of mucus, a headache or general discomfort.

This information campaign can be accessed through Salud Responde’s IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system. Option 1 is for people over 70 who will be referred to an agent. In Option 2, vaccination is recommended first as it is the most effective way to avoid getting or spreading the flu or Covid-19, and can be done by making an appointment with your primary care doctor or nurse (Option 3). , in addition to taking general advice for the most common symptoms.

Since the new messaging service was launched, more than 12,100 calls have been registered, with 1,350 needing help after hearing the announcement.

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