Effective sore throat treatments

Sore Throat Remedies

Pain, itching, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness or weakness…who hasn’t experienced these? Everyday behaviors such as drinking, eating, or sleeping are very annoying to this condition, so they urge you to seek solutions immediately. That’s why we’ve compiled effective sore throat remedies.

Quick natural remedies to get rid of sore throat

They are natural remedies because in most cases, They are made from natural ingredients that are easy to find, and you probably already have one at home. Taking the correct dose and combining the effects of multiple medications can resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

Honey and Propolis

have Antiseptic and hygroscopic It has been shown to be effective against pharyngitis and cough. This is why its consumption is considered one of the fastest home remedies for sore throat.

You can take honey on its own, like candy.. Before swallowing, place a teaspoon in the back of your mouth. You can also take it as an infusion and combine its benefits with other natural antibacterial agents, such as lemon.

Whichever form you prefer, remember it’s the ideal remedy Only for children over one year old and adults. Babies should not do this because it may contain Clostridium botulinum, a bacteria that causes botulism.

Apart from, Propolis is also a substance derived from bees, because they collect it from the buds or bark of the plant. Like honey, it has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, which also makes it highly recommended.

It’s him The active ingredient in some sore throat medicines Perhaps, this is easier to accept than the state of nature. If you prefer the latter option, you can buy propolis or propolis at a natural products store, dilute it with warm water and drink it as an infusion.

herbs and roots

When you are looking for medicine to relieve throat inflammation, it is highly recommended that you see a Chinese medicine practitioner. Herbs, flowers and roots that have been shown to be effective in treating sore throats include the following:

  • marigold. Its flowers have rejuvenating properties and help to calm down quickly. You can make it into an infusion and mouthwash.
  • ginger. Its anti-inflammatory properties make ginger-lemon infusion a classic choice for treating colds.
  • eucalyptus. Breathing eucalyptus vapor is another recommended technique. Boil water with eucalyptus leaves, place them in a container, cover your head with a towel and breathe in its vapor through your mouth.
  • wise man. It contains substances that calm irritants, so you can use it to prepare infusions. You can also ask at the pharmacy as it is an active ingredient in some medications. But it is highly toxic to babies during pregnancy, so avoid use in this case.
  • Licorice. It has a unique flavor that is loved by young and old alike, but due to its properties it is effective in treating sore throats, dry coughs, respiratory illnesses or oral infections.able Suck a piece of root directlyor use it to prepare infusions.
  • Chamomile. It produces anti-inflammatory effects that help repair and protect throat tissue and fight coughs.use it to Prepare the infusion according to your preference with other ingredientssuch as cinnamon, ginger or lemon.
  • thyme. It’s found in medications, such as sprays used to treat coughs and throat irritations. As a spice, there is certainly no shortage of it in your kitchen, but, to avoid suffering, the ideal method is to infuse it with plants.
  • mallow. An almost foolproof concoction for pain relief is to brew a tablespoon of mallow flowers, a slice of ginger and an apple. Boil it with water, let it sit and filter.

Rinse with salt water

they act as Temporary treatments to relieve peak pain, because salt absorbs moisture from the mucous membranes. Therefore, it may dry out if abused, so swish it about three times a day for half a minute each time. A teaspoon of salt dissolved in 240 ml of warm water is enough.

chicken soup

This is another hot drink that relieves pain because Promotes hydration and reduces mucus. You can serve it with vegetables or other meats if you like, but avoid dairy products as they can increase mucus.

sodium bicarbonate

It has antibacterial properties so you can use it Rinse mouth 3 times a day. To do this, you must mix one tablespoon in a glass of water. If you combine its benefits with those of lemon, the results are even better.


Eat sweets when you have difficulty swallowing Provides instant relief, as they increase saliva production, thus softening the throat. It relieves pain and combats other related symptoms, such as cough.

Mints are usually recommended, but eucalyptus, honey, lemon, or orange sugar can work just as well. It would be better if they are sugar-free.

Effective medicines for sore throat

When a sore throat persists or With other symptoms, such as a dry cough or hoarseness, going to a pharmacy may help. You will find that many products contain some herb, root or flower as an active ingredient.

Here are some examples of medications you can find without a prescription:

  • strep hills. It is an oropharyngeal antiseptic sold as: suck pills and relieves mild oral infections from age six. Its active ingredient is amyl m-cresol.have different tasteslike honey and lemon, you can take every two or three hours
  • bukometasana. It contains chlorhexidine, thyroxine and benzocaine and has antiseptic, antibiotic and anesthetic properties. Disinfect and relieve pain in cases of infection but no feverand sold in tablet form for sucking.
  • Angelitol. They are suckable tablets that relieve pain and throat irritation and have ingredients similar to Bucometasana.
  • Tantumweed. It contains Bendamine Hydrochloride so it can relieve throat and mouth irritation without pain or fever. It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. You can find it at: various formats: Lozenges to suck on or put in a spray bottle to put in the mouth.

Other prevention and treatment tips

RCommon cold, flu or COVID-19 They are viral illnesses that can cause sore throats in addition to other illnesses such as mononucleosis, measles, or chickenpox. It can also be caused by strep bacteria.it can cause pharyngitis and one of its symptoms is tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils).

If you have other symptoms, see your doctor, such as fever or difficulty breathing. Additionally, the pain persists for more than a few days, even without other symptoms.

Although it hurts you, Other helpful tips Here’s what you can put into practice:

  • Protect the environment at any time of the year, including summer. Air conditioning removes moisture, creates a dry environment, and can irritate mucous membranes. If your home environment is dry, you can use a humidifier to help you sleep better when you have a sore throat.
  • Stay away from smoke and other irritants. Don’t even think about smoking.
  • rest And keep stress levels under control.
  • Hydrate. Infusion is also a great ally in this regard.
  • Eat some soothing foodslike ice cream.
  • Avoid talking to avoid straining your throatnot to mention screaming.

Homemade recipes, over-the-counter medications, taking care of the environment, and rest and hydration are all ways to treat a sore throat. In a few days, this will all be a thing of the past. If not, you should see a health professional.

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