Know the difference between cold and flu – El Sol de Durango

Winter is still going on and respiratory diseases are commonor even colds, are caused by the body being exposed to moderate temperatures or because the body contains viruses that remain in the air.

Durango doctor and influencer Polo Guerrero shows people Flu and cold are different, so they require different attention from one situation to another. did you know? .

on the one hand, A cold, also called the common cold, is a viral infection that It involves the respiratory tract, often causing inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Notice! ,because A cold does not cause a fever. It can manifest itself in problems such as excessive amounts of mucus (especially fluid), general malaise, sneezing, and coughing.

“Later, this mucus will become somewhat purulent and thick. But The condition is that the cold clears up within four to 10 days and there are more than 120 different strains of the virus “This can lead to colds.”

On the other hand, there is influenza, which is caused by the flu. “Influenza is also an acute upper respiratory viral infection that causes sudden onset of fever and muscle aches.”

According to the doctor, The most common pathogen is influenza, mainly types A and B. “The problem with the flu is that if there are no complications, the fever may last three days, but other symptoms, such as nasal congestion, muscle aches, etc., may last a week.

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There is a flu shot, which is a big help. “The relevance of this is Treatment is symptomatic, i.e. reducing fever and relieving pain Depending on the situation, see if you need cough medicine. ”

Why shouldn’t antibiotics be used to treat the flu? “this Antibiotics don’t do anything because they are antibiotics for a reason., everything that causes the flu or cold is a virus and therefore cannot affect you. (…) Do not take antibiotics if you have the flu. ”

The purpose of the medicine is to be able to eliminate the disease with as few symptoms as possible, and here no amount of garlic or onions will have a direct impact on the symptoms.

“There is no specific treatment for the flu or cold, it’s all symptomatic, with medications such as analgesics or fever reducers, decongestants, antihistamines, antitussives, mucolytics and expectors.”

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