About 750 people in the region will receive another dose of COVID-19 vaccine

Coronavirus vaccination takes another step forward New round for high-risk groups (e.g., immunocompromised patients), three months after receiving the last dose of vaccine.

about 750 people People in Ferrol health zone asked to get vaccinated Between Tuesday and Thursday this weekIn the afternoon, at the medical day hospital in the Navy, where they had previously received injections.

COVID-19 has become assimilated with other respiratory illnesses, especially during flu season. influenza, peaking in the last days of December and early January. Currently, weekly reports indicate that the numbers are falling and have reached levels that represent the greatest health stress to overcome.

Although the coronavirus has “normalized”, four years after its arrival, statistical records are still being kept, with yesterday’s figures showing that four people admitted to the Ferrol University Hospital complex had tested positive. Under any circumstances, The death toll since July 8, 2023 has reached 354more than six months ago.

in this success Vaccines are vitalis now offered each fall to high-risk groups (people over 60 and people with other medical conditions) at the same time as influenza and adapts to the different modifications the virus undergoes over the course of the year.

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