After bronchitis, Pope looks out of Vatican window again, prays for peace

VATICAN CITY, Dec 8 (EFE) – Pope Francis today once again prayed the Angelus outside the window of the Apostolic Palace after recent respiratory problems and took the opportunity to pray for peace in Ukraine, the Middle East and the Middle East. world.

The Argentine pope announced to the hundreds of believers listening to him in St. Peter’s Square: “Good morning, dear brothers and sisters, a wonderful celebration.” His voice was still a little tired.

In recent weeks, “inflammation of the lungs” has forced him to lead Angelus prayers at the Casa Santa Marta, his Vatican residence, rather than from the traditional windows, and to entrust the reading of the speech to a collaborator.

Yesterday, Thursday, he was able to deliver his planned speeches to various audiences without assistance, returning to normal after suffering bronchitis.

Francis, who will celebrate his 87th birthday on December 17, will leave the Vatican at 4:00 pm (3 p.m.) local time today and go to the Spanish Steps in Rome to pay homage to the Immaculate Conception. :00pm (GMT)).

Previously, you’ll pass the nearby Basilica of Santa Maria Mayor, which awards the “Golden Rose” to the icon of the “Popularity of Rome”, a recognition given by popes since the Middle Ages.

When the Pope walked out of the window of the Apostolic Palace, he was greeted with applause from the faithful.

Francis encouraged “everyone, especially the faithful in Rome” to pray to the Immaculate Conception and to be “spiritually united” with him this afternoon when he visits her monument in Rome.

He called for “especially prayers for peace.”

“For peace in Ukraine, for peace in Palestine and Israel, and for all lands wounded by war. Let us pray for peace, for peace of mind. Let peace become a reality,” he urged.

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