Medical advice to avoid cases of pneumonia

Pneumonia cases have not stopped in the country, with the Nicaraguan Ministry of Health (Minsa) registering 1,438 cases last week, a 56% increase from the previous week.

Faced with this situation, experts emphasize home protection and pay attention to temperature changes, especially patients with chronic diseases, because they are more likely to get sick.

General practitioner Jorge Manzanares said adults and children over 60 were most at risk.

“We have to understand that Nicaragua has many patients with chronic diseases, especially immunosuppressive diseases such as diabetes, which we have a high incidence in the country due to different factors such as nutrition, hypertension, heart disease and kidney disease, all of which are More susceptible to disease,” he said.

Pneumonia is a disease that presents with rapid symptoms, such as fever, cough, cold, etc. The patient’s defense status is key in dealing with this disease, because with a very low defense status, the risk of complications is greater.

“It is important to maintain hygiene and protective measures, cover yourself when someone coughs to avoid spreading germ particles, and ask to take breaks even if you have respiratory symptoms to avoid getting infected at work. Others, it is important that we pay attention to respiratory symptoms when we have them Fever, body aches, weakness, cough, coughing up reddish phlegm, and pain in the side tips, chest, or back are all alarming data to think about “regarding…pneumonia,” adds physician Nério Olivas.

Both doctors recommend going to a health department if you have any warning symptoms, not self-medicating and getting up to date on vaccinations against respiratory illnesses.

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