2023/2024 flu season: High fatality rate

After an unusual winter, the cold weather is gone and temperatures are rising, more like spring than winter, National Center for Epidemiology Surveillance System for Acute Respiratory Infections (SiVIRA), Belongs to the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII), states influenza“The nationwide epidemic of one of the leading respiratory infections this time of year is coming to an end.”

Reductions in influenza activity in primary care and hospitalization are also associated with Coronavirus disease and infection Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Prior to the 2023-2024 season, the respiratory infection changed its behavior due to the impact of the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes Covid-19.

After Covid-19 almost completely dominated the respiratory infection landscape in 2020-2021, the 2021-2022 respiratory virus has delayed its most infectious period. The 2022-2023 season will feature a resurgence of influenza and RSV, Hospitalization rates are higher than in previous years.

In Galicia, as infants are vaccinated against RSV, neonatal hospitalization rate does not reach 500 per 100,000 inhabitants, compared with 2,000 in 2019-2020

The same behavior persists in the 2023-2024 season, which is a bit atypical given the temperature fluctuations, but is characteristic of “Higher fatality rate The number of hospitalizations due to influenza is higher than last season. ” Regarding respiratory syncytial virus, the rollout of new preventive measures (vaccines, monoclonal antibodies…) has reduced hospitalization rates worldwide. However, in the case of Spain, although the youngest children can already be vaccinated, the RSV vaccine Not yet marketed for seniors like in the US, Canada, Portugal or Germany. That’s why VRS has the same The incidence of complications and mortality were higher than during the same period.

For its part, Covid-19 infection is characterized by a higher incidence in children under 1 year of age. As for specific data, since the start of the quarter, 31.7% of cases hospitalized with Covid-19 have developed pneumonia, 3.8% have been admitted to the ICU, and the mortality rate has been 8.7%, “similar to the ranges seen in previous quarters.”

Vaccination is the backbone of prevention

RSV demonstrates that immunization is the next step in avoiding hospitalization, severe illness, and even death.High use of new RSV drugs in Spain Under six months In regions such as Galicia, the rate of neonatal hospitalizations does not reach 500 per 100,000 inhabitants, but it was 2,000 in 2019-2020 and even 4,500 in 2022-2023, even in the middle of the birth season. respiratory syncytial virus, according to the region’s health department.

Many people are not protected from influenza, an ever-changing viral infection that is showing higher fatality rates this season

As in Spain, the United States and other countries, people’s confidence in these drugs for preventing respiratory infections has always been high. Even American doctors are “surprised” by such a high demand, leaving some parents at a loss. drug. However, it does not translate to pathology of other viral origins, a clear example of which is influenza.

The flu is still going on Immunity rates are extremely low. According to data collected by the Ministry of Health’s Vaccination Information System (SIVAMIM), as of 2022, no age group has reached 80% coverage, in fact, The coverage rate of the population aged 18 to 64 reaches 20%. As a result, many people are unable to fight off the flu, and this ever-changing viral infection appears to be more lethal this season.

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