Dengue, COVID-19 and pneumonia threaten Piulans

The health situation in the region is critical as cases of dengue, COVID-19 and pneumonia continue to rise, primarily affecting the most vulnerable: children and the elderly.

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In view of this, the Medical School of Piura submitted a document to the autonomous regional government in response to the epidemic that the region is experiencing.

In this letter, three important actions are called for, as mentioned by Christian Requena, Dean of the Medical School of Piura: the personal leadership of Governor Luis Nella in the fight against dengue, daily updates of the Situation Room, and the publication of the epidemic Learn information. alarm.

The new director may have the best intentions, but without a proper budget, he will not be able to control dengue.” added María Lupú, president of the Medical Federation of Piura.


Julio Barrena Dioses, secretary of the School of Medicine in Piura, reported that according to the latest news in Direza, as of February 3, 2,207 dengue cases had been reported in the region, with Surana and Talara having Two people died.

In addition, he also announced that the number of cases this year has increased by 225% compared to the same period in 2023.

Coronavirus disease

Likewise, 1,169 COVID-19 cases and 15 deaths have been reported.

The situation was reported by Julio Barrena Dioses, secretary of the Medical School of Piura, who said that vulnerable groups of adults are the ones most affected by the disease.

“Of the 15 deaths, there were nine senior citizens, four adults and two children, a number that is worrying because there were no deaths of minors recorded last year,” he said.

The doctor also noted that 45 people died from COVID-19 in the region in 2023.

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As far as pneumonia is concerned, 197 cases in the elderly and 130 cases in children under 5 years of age have been recorded. Meanwhile, 16 deaths of people over the age of 60 were reported in the region.

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