Flu season |: Málaga hospitals still in phase one

Malaga hospital still in first phase of high-frequency planOpinion

After surpassing the peak Infect Incidences of influenza, covid-19 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) have been declining in Andalusia during the second week of JanuaryGradually until the incidence rate is reached There are 367.3 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, This figure is very similar to the previous week, when there were 360 ​​infections per 100,000 inhabitants.

In this way, Andalucia, like this year’s flu season, is still Below the national averagethe ratio obtained last week was 564.3 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. This figure is also far removed from the weeks of peak incidence, when the average number of infections was 935 per 100,000 inhabitants.

Given the stability of the infection, hospitals in Andalusia Average level of high-frequency program phase 1which means that globally there have been An increase of less than 10% The percentage of emergency room visits to the hospital over three consecutive days.

For its part, Málaga is one of the four provinces that are in the first phase of the plan, along with Almeria, Granada and Huelva, while the remaining four are in the second phase of the plan. stage one. They have entered stage 0.Managing Director, SAS, garcia valleyexplained at a press conference in Córdoba that these data are fluctuating because they can change “in hours or even minutes.”

Likewise, the General Manager would like to reiterate Send a message of peace to the peopleWell, as he explains, the health center and its professional staff “are ready to meet any increase in demand, whether or not due to high attendance rates related to respiratory viruses.” In this sense, he insists that ” all patients be processed in the shortest possible time, healthcare is safeguarded and the entire system is ready to handle any increase in demand. ”

Málaga, the province with the lowest incidence

According to the latest epidemiological data released by the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs, corresponding to the fifth week of 2024 (January 29 to February 4), Malaga is the province with the fewest respiratory viruses. and incidence 285.8 The infection rate per 100,000 people is a far cry from Cadiz, which, at 515.1, is the province with the highest infection rate. The next region with the highest incidence is Jaén (421.0), followed by Seville (373.1), Huelva (331.9), Almeria (329.1), Córdoba (323.6) and Granada (294 . 9).

Some people use masks inside health centers amid resurgence of flu

In Andalusia level, the incidence of acute respiratory infections in the last week was six (February 5 to February 11)overall remains stablemeaning there has been a decrease in influenza, COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus activity in primary care settings and hospitals.

As for Emergency situationsthe total of the first three days of this week 35,746 hospital emergencies located in Andalusia, According to data provided by the ministry.While this number represents about 800 more emergencies than the average daily number for the entire year, it also means A year-on-year decrease of 3.5%period There were 1,700 fewer emergencies handled compared to the previous week.

Hospital admission

Regarding the number of hospitalizations, the number of hospitalizations in Andalusia during the past three days also declined slightly, 1%, increased from 2,666 to 2,693. “The proportion of emergency admissions to the total number of emergency admissions is similar to the current usual situation, which indicates that the severity of the diseases treated is similar,” explained the SAS managing director.

Finally, the Ministry of Health would like to emphasize that during the period of high visits this season (from October 15 to the present), Andalusia’s hospital emergency services have treated 1,242,000 people, Only 7.4% required hospitalization.Therefore, “they appreciate Visits are very similar to last year.” Emergency admissions as a proportion of total emergency department admissions are similar to what is typical for this time of year.

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