LeBron James isn’t chasing Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant for trophies

LeBron James doesn’t surpass Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant when it comes to championships. The Los Angeles Lakers superstar is already regarded as the greatest player in NBA history. His impact on the game and incredible longevity were both major talking points surrounding his career. However, fans have been speculating whether he is chasing another championship ring to tie Jordan or Kobe.

According to ESPN’s Zach Lowe, speaking on the “Lowe Post” podcast, LeBron’s mentality isn’t focused on matching Jordan or Kobe.

“Anyone who thinks LeBron is sitting there chasing that ghost every night is thinking, ‘Kobe has five, Michael has six, I have four,'” Lowe said. “That’s obviously not LeBron’s mentality. “That’s something I’ve heard privately for a long time. “

One thing is for sure, LeBron wants to win. He is a fierce competitor. He is also a billionaire. If he didn’t continue to solidify his status as the best and compete for the title, he wouldn’t be competing. After all, that’s why you play games.

However, LeBron has nothing left to prove. Even now at 39 years old, he’s still a top-10 player in the NBA. He has been one of the best for over twenty years. LeBron’s legacy is set in stone. Any extra rings would be the final cherry on top of a legendary career.

With a player option worth $51.4 million for next season, LeBron will have at least two more chances to add to his four championships. No matter how the final stages of his career pan out, he will be remembered as an all-time great. Being on par with Jordan or Kobe for titles doesn’t change that. He has accomplished so much and has been around for so long that his career means nothing but legend.

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