How to protect your child from pneumonia and flu?

You can stop a range of contagions with these tips.

How to protect your child from pneumonia and flu?

Influenza is a highly contagious viral respiratory disease that occurs more frequently and with greater intensity during the rainy season. While it usually doesn’t cause major problems and goes away within a few days, it can become complicated in young children and people over 60 years old. But it can be easily prevented.

  • Wash your hands often: All you need is running water, soap and a clean towel.
  • Keep commonly used items clean: handles, phones, cell phones, light switches, furniture, etc.
  • Enclosed spaces must be ventilated.
  • When sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue.

Another effective way to prevent the flu is to get vaccinated, especially for people over 60 and children between 6 and 23 months old. You should see a doctor if warning signs appear: In children, when breathing becomes rapid, the abdomen sinks and noises are heard while breathing. When adults have difficulty breathing.

You can detect this disease by its symptoms: fever, cough, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. If you have the flu, it’s best to stay home and avoid contact with other people to avoid spreading the virus.

To be extra cautious with your family, wear a mask, don’t share kitchen utensils, sleep in a room alone and avoid physical contact. It’s also important that you drink plenty of fluids and don’t self-medicate.

How to prevent pneumonia

Pneumonia is an acute respiratory infection that affects the lungs caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi.

It’s better to take precautions

The ideal conditions for preventing this disease are immunity, adequate nutrition and control of environmental factors.

Vaccinate children, especially against influenza and pneumococcus: It is important to avoid further illness.

A healthy diet will help keep your child’s defenses high. If they are breastfed babies, ideally they will be exclusively breastfed. For older children, the best option is to eat a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and good sources of protein.

Physical hygiene, especially frequent hand washing, and good hygiene and ventilation of your living space will also help you reduce the risk of infection.


The first step is to visit a doctor to confirm the diagnosis and cause of the disease, because based on this information, they will provide you with appropriate medicines.

Complete compliance with treatment is crucial. If you interrupt your child when you see him getting better, you’ll make him more likely to get the disease again.

Explain to your child what is happening and why it is important to take the medicine.

Release date: December 12, 2019.
Old content from the Seguros SURA blog may not be updated, so please take the publication date into account. Thank you for your understanding.​

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