Cold February in Spain | This is the difference between influenza A and the classic cold that has arrived in Spain

Here’s the difference between influenza A and the classic cold that arrived in Spain in February this yeariberian publishing house

After Christmas, the Spanish flu epidemic continued to intensify.According to the latest statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII)), the case went through It increased by 75% last week to 438.3 cases per 100,000 residents.


In the realm of respiratory infections, including COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza A infections are placing additional pressure on the country’s emergency services, bringing them closer to the brink of collapse. The peak in cases is expected to occur “within the week,” according to several experts.

What is the flu itself?

Influenza is an ancient disease that affects humans and other animal species, e.g. Avian influenza in poultry waves pigs infected with swine flu. Caused by a combination of multiple types of viruses, There used to be epidemics every winter The emergence of the coronavirus pandemic.

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this disease Highly contagious and easily spread from person to person through saliva droplets or secretions discharged while speaking, Coughing or sneezing, similar to other respiratory illnesses.

Flu cases have increased this year compared to last year Dr. Linares said the epidemic occurred in late January and early February.

These are the symptoms of the classic flu

Typical flu symptoms Including sudden fever, dry cough, headache, Muscle and joint pain, general malaise, Sore throat and runny nose. In most cases, these symptoms will go away on their own without seeking medical attention, but the flu can pose a potential risk to vulnerable people, such as pregnant women, those over 65, or those with pre-existing medical conditions or who are immunocompromised.

Influenza A Symptoms

Regarding influenza A, Caused by influenza A (H1N1) virus, Most cases are mild, with few symptoms and no complications.Symptom differences from other respiratory illnesses, such as seasonal flu or COVID-19, can be difficult to discern because they include Fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, muscle aches, fatigue, chills, general malaise, and weakness.

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