They culled 23,000 farm chickens in La Libertad to avoid a bird flu epidemic

The World Organization for Animal Health (WHOSA) has issued an alert about an outbreak of avian influenza on a farm in La Libertad. The National Agricultural Health Service (Senasa) confirmed an emergency at the Santa María de Pacanguilla farm in the province of Chipón.

senassa He said that since it was a highly contagious disease, he conducted analysis and took measures quickly, adding that the situation was finally under control.

They also elaborated At the Santa María de Pacanquilla farm in Chepén Pacanga, 4,000 laying hens died from avian influenza. In light of this, biosecurity protocols were activated and a further 23,000 birds had to be culled to prevent the spread of the deadly virus.

– Newsletter –

Daniel Alama Mena, director of Senasa in La Libertad, said a total of 27,000 birds had been finally disposed of, and The outbreak occurred only on this farm. There were no reports of other farm or backyard birds.

Although the epidemic has been brought under control, senassa Surveillance operations continue within 5 kilometers of the outbreak and samples are sent to the animal health department.

2023 epidemic

As people remember, In 2023, an avian influenza epidemic broke out in Peru, affecting the supply of chicken and eggs. The authorities managed to contain it.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Development has formulated health measures for the prevention and control of avian influenza at the national level. The new measures were approved in December 2023.

Avian influenza is a viral disease that spreads rapidly among birds and has a high mortality rate. Rarely, strains infect humans through contact with birds or infected environments.

human symptoms

Symptoms in humans vary depending on the strain and include fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle aches, headache and sore throat.

The World Health Organization recommends extreme biosecurity measures on farms to control outbreaks. Eating cooked meat and eggs does not pose a risk.

Following the emergency, health authorities reported that they would continue surveillance to detect new avian influenza outbreaks and protect the health of birds, humans and the economy.

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