Dramatic testimony of Camila Perisse’s husband: He was dying

“Everyone knows about the medical malpractice she suffered from a PAMI doctor three years ago and the abandonment of a person because of the state citing COVID-19, which resulted in many people dying and others suffering very serious illnesses, Camilla among them. One,” the artist’s husband said first.

I added: “Camila started catching a cold 7 days ago and the doctor from the nursing home where Camila lived came and said they should admit her urgently because she had pneumonia and called PAMI. Five hours later a doctor came and said she probably had pneumonia but she couldn’t admit her because when I called her from the nursing home earlier, I arrived in a minivan and then a doctor from another country The doctor showed up and said she didn’t have pneumonia, just a cold.”

What Camila Perisse’s Husband Says About His Wife’s Health

“Seven days have passed, Camilla has a bug eating away at her lungs today, and it’s irreversibleanother oversight by PAMI. It’s leaving me I want to sue the state and PAMI, it’s unfair because they screwed up his life, he’s dying and I need help,” Julio concluded, clearly distressed by his wife’s current situation and in a voice that broken.

Let us remember that in the middle of last year, the actress was hospitalized with severe abdominal pain after overcoming a urinary tract infection in the aforementioned Buenos Aires hospital. Fortunately, two weeks later, his partner confirmed he had overcome the infection and was discharged from hospital.

According to her testimony, Camila’s condition improved and she was transferred to Boed’s home. She has been living there for several months. “It was a struggle for more than a year and a half, and now Kami is making progress, thanks to the head of the PAMI center who took this problem on his shoulders and gave us positive results, such as wheelchairs, diapers,” he spoke about his wife’s recovery.


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