Mr Doctor reveals the cause of the scare and explains the details

Dr. Octavio Arroyo once again uses his YouTube channel to explain everything in a simpler way

Yesterday afternoon, Pati Chapoy, the boss of the entertainment show “Ventaneando”, once again revealed the news that Daniel Bissonio was hospitalized, causing a huge scandal.

The show’s host has been experiencing some complications affecting his health since last year, however, little information has been revealed in this regard.

That’s why Dr. Octavio Arroyo, better known as “Mr. Doc”, has once again used his YouTube channel to explain the health conditions of “El Muñe” in a simpler way.

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It should be said that although Octavio is a physician, he makes it clear at the beginning of the video that everything explained is based on discovered information and pure assumptions.

“His health is extremely fragile, first because he had a gastrointestinal bleed, which led to him being admitted to intensive care, and then because his gallbladder ruptured, which caused sepsis and peritonitis, and now the latest intervention is in place,” said Mr. Doctor.

“Daniel Bissanio already suffers from esophageal varices (…), which are thickenings of veins,” said the expert, who also explained that the cause of this condition is portal hypertension, which according to him is mainly It is caused by cirrhosis of the liver.

“It is important to know that Daniel Bissonio suffers from liver failure (…) The main reason is alcoholism, but there are other reasons, such as long-term consumption of herbal medicine. Another reason is fatty liver, obesity.” The Internet celebrity commented .

Moreover, the doctor recalled that Bisoni was obese many years ago, so it is not surprising that he suffers from fatty liver today, and may develop into cirrhosis in the future.

But other illnesses linked to “El Muñe’s” health include the hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus, chronic infections the most common cause of cirrhosis, according to Dr. Octavio.

It is worth noting that Mr. Doctor clarified that since this is a hypothesis, it is impossible to know which of the above-mentioned diseases may be the disease affecting the health of the Ventaneando driver.

According to Patty Charboy, his on-screen partner had been intubated due to a lung infection, a fact that caught Octavio’s attention as he assured that someone of Daniel’s age (50) was suffering from Pneumonia is very rare

“A person gets pneumonia because their defenses are very low (…) People with cirrhosis get sick in a variety of situations that lower their defenses,” he explained.

“Patients with cirrhosis and liver failure tend to have lower defenses,” he added.

(Photo: Instagram)

“It seems to me that Daniel’s cirrhosis of the liver caused his defenses to weaken, making it difficult for him to be extubated, which led to him becoming infected, whether due to viruses or bacteria,” he added.

However, health experts mentioned another cause that may be more consistent with Bisoni’s case and mentioned Staphylococcus aureus, which occurs due to bronchial aspiration.

“One thing that often happens in people with esophageal varices is that they bleed so much that they can even inhale bronchodilators (…), causing the blood to flow to the lungs, where Staphylococcus aureus can grow.

Finally, the internet celebrity stressed that what he said in his video was just speculation, as he was not the attending doctor and had no medical history of Daniel Bisonio.

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