Bird flu virus discovered in Antarctica for first time

Scientists from the Severo Ochoa Center for Molecular Biology of the Superior Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) have confirmed its presence in the southern lands

On February 24, Argentine scientists discovered and confirmed the virus in samples of dead skuas.

Antonio Quelis Sanz

  • Antonio Quelis Sanz
  • A journalist who has been working in environmental information for more than 20 years, currently responsible for OKDIARIO’s OKGREEN. Former Director of El Mundo Ecológico and collaborator on environmental, ecological and sustainable development issues at Cadena Ser.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus reportedly discovered in remote Antarctic region for first time Scientist at Severo Ochoa Center for Molecular Biology Superior Council for Scientific Research (CSIC).

By detecting viruses Two dead skuasThis big bird will allow us to “prepare” to avoid the spread of infection through human means and prevent the spread of infection to humans.

it has announced in a statement this Sunday The Science Department is the department on which the Science Center relies, in collaboration with the International Antarctic Organization’s Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR) and the Committee for the Management of National Antarctic Programs (COMNAP).

Two specimens of Skua

Specifically, the virus was found in two samples of dead skuas; Argentinian scientists discovered Located near the Argentinian Antarctic base Primavera.

The samples were obtained using “maximum protective measures,” the ministry detailed. to prevent the spread of the virus to humans. Once the sample is collected, the virus in it is immediately inactivated so that it can be safely studied.

highly pathogenic virus

The existence of the virus was confirmed on February 24 this year by a team of scientists led by CSIC researcher Antonio Alcamí at the Spanish Antarctic base Gabriel de Castilli on Decepcion Island. Ya work.

These analyzes included specific PCR for influenza virus and H5 subtypes, and “conclusively” showed thatThe birds were infected with H5 subtype avian influenza At least one of the dead birds contained the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus.

dead bird record

According to the statement, the discovery shows for the first time Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus has arrived in Antarctica This is despite its distance and natural barriers from other continents.

This finding can also be explained by bird death Recorded during the Antarctic summer. This variant has been found in many places in the Northern Hemisphere and, since last summer, in the Southern Hemisphere.

The virus has recently been described on subantarctic islands, although mass die-offs of some birds have been reported in the Antarctic region, No country has confirmed the presence of the virus in Antarctica..

prevent spread

Spain Launch of protocol to prevent and control avian influenza In November, just before the event began, a highly pathogenic virus emerged in Antarctica.

The discovery enables national polar programs to prepare to avoid human-caused spread of infection and, most importantly, infecting humans.

Last July, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned that bird flu “may mutate and pose a clear risk to humans”.

So far, human-to-human transmission of the virus has been uncommon, but cases of infection have emerged in recent years. The severity of human illness caused by this avian virus varies from asymptomatic or mild cases to severe disease leading to death.

Data shows that in 2022, 67 countries from five continents An outbreak of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza in poultry and wild birds has been reported to WHO, with more than 131 million poultry dead or slaughtered in affected farms and villages.

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