Unprecedented discovery: They confirm the presence of bird flu in dead birds in Antarctica

In an unprecedented discovery, Researchers from the Severo Ochoa Center for Molecular Biology of the High Council for Scientific Research Spanish Shipbuilding Industry Group (CSIC) confirmed on Sunday the presence of a high-risk virusAvian influenza pathogen found in dead bird specimens in Antarctica.

The virus was found in samples from two dead skuas (Also known as Brown Bandit) Argentinian scientists discovered this near the Primavera Antarctic base on the Antarctic Peninsula.The samples were transported with the utmost care to Spain’s Gabriel de Castilla base on Decepcion Island, where Specific PCR analysis of influenza viruses and H5 subtypes, Subsequent protease cleavage sequencing confirmed the presence of this pathogen with 100% certainty.

This is the first time that a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus has been confirmed in Antarctica.Despite its distance and natural barriers from other continents. Furthermore, as Spanish researchers mentioned, The discovery could explain the high number of bird deaths recorded during the Antarctic summer.

Measures taken by Chile

Dr. Marcelo González, Director of the Scientific Department of the Chilean Antarctic Institute (INACH), explained that since the first reports of avian influenza in Chile and the Magellanic Islands last year, a prevention program has been implemented and currently All countries are implementing the program. National Operator. In addition, the National Antarctic Science Program has formed a team of experts to plan field operations for this season.

“Second, we established behavioral protocols and implemented a real-time PCR analysis platform to detect positive cases in the Antarctic region. Chile’s surveillance in the O’Higgins base area and the Fildes Peninsula (King George Island) has so far reported no positive cases. (…)”, Gonzalez said.

So far, only skuas have reported positive cases, which is why it is key to continue monitoring other bird and marine mammal populations. The spread of penguin and sea lion colonies could cause unprecedented ecological disaster in Antarctica.

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