Pope reveals he has bronchitis and again asks for his speech to be read

Pope, 87, reveals he suffers from ‘bronchitis’ Collaborators have been asked again Let him read his speech.

“thank you all, I’ve prepared a speech but can’t read it “Because of bronchitis,” Francisco announced when he was unable to deliver his speech due to a cough.

The pope canceled a scheduled appointment last Saturday and also on Monday, although on Sunday he went to the window of his private study to pray the Angelus. The pope, who has repeatedly asked collaborators to read out his speeches, underwent several tests at Rome’s Gemelli hospital on Wednesday.

Pope Francis assures gender ideology is 'the gravest danger of our time'Pope Francis assures gender ideology is 'the gravest danger of our time'

Gender Ideology Research

On Friday, the pope revealed he had asked for a study into “gender ideology,” which he described as the “ugliest danger” today. This was noted during the meeting. with participants at international conferences ‘The male and female images of God. “Anthropology of the Profession” advocated by the Vatican Center for the Study of the Anthropology of Professions (Crav).

“I asked Research into this ugly ideology Ours is an age that eliminates differences and makes everything the same,” he commented. For the Pope, “the elimination of differences is the elimination of humanity.”

Anyway, the Pope He also did not read the speech, but accepted help from his collaborators He was suffering from the flu, which forced him to pause his travels in recent days. “I still have a cold, and I feel tired after reading for a while,” he explained.

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