Pope says he has ‘bronchitis’ and again asks for his speech to be read

A few days ago, the Vatican reported that Pope Francis was “suffering from a mild flu”, after which he underwent some diagnostic tests at the Gemelli Hospital in Rome. Recently, the pope said he was suffering from “bronchitis” and wanted his speech to be read by a collaborator.

Pope speaks before Bishop Ciampanelli Judicial Year of the National Court of Justice in Vatican City.

“I had prepared a speech, but as you can see, I was unable to read it due to bronchitis. I asked Bishop Ciampanelli to read it,” the pope said.

Pope Francis holds weekly public audiences at the Paul VI Hall in Vatican City.

photo:European EF

Despite the impact on his voice, Francisco delivered a few words and maintained the day’s agenda, holding several hearings, including the judicial inauguration.

Thereafter he gave way to the bishop to assist him in his speech. Also, at an event last Friday, a collaborator helped him read and maintain all planned events.

Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin confirmed days ago that Francis was “fine” The test he underwent in central Rome was “routine” just days after he fell ill with the flu.

Parolin assured “TV2000”: “The Pope is fine, I saw him last night, he had a routine visit and he told me that there is nothing wrong with him and that he has recovered from the flu.”

Last Sunday, the pope did celebrate the traditional Sunday Angelus prayer, while leaning forward and reading it in a good voice before the thousands of faithful gathered in the square.

At the end of November last year, he suffered from bronchitis and had to cancel some events and celebrate the Angelus privately. In order to recover, he canceled his planned trip to Dubai in December to attend the climate summit.

However, he later fully recovered and went to the Plaza de EspaƱa on December 8 to commemorate the Immaculate Conception of Mary.


Here’s the meeting between Vice President Francia Marquez and Pope Francis


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