IX CSL Seqirus Flu Update Meeting takes place in Malaga on Thursday and Friday

Malaga will be at this stage Thursday and Friday of IX CSL Seqirus Influenza Update Session. The group is a world leader in influenza vaccines. After health conditions normalize after the pandemic, the 2023-2024 influenza season has begun with the goal of achieving influenza incidence similar to pre-pandemic years.That’s why experts focus on emphasizing vaccination campaign as a form of prevention and requires vigilance about the behavior of influenza.

It is against this background CSL Seqirus organizes these IX conferences, a medical science conference will be held at the Capital NH Hotel from March 14th to 15th.The conference aims to Contribute to science communication and Promote dialogue between all actors in the sector This helps improve public health, prevent and promote influenza vaccination.

The program begins with the inaugural session on Thursday at 3:00 pm on pregnancy and preventing infections with viral and other respiratory pathogens. Jose Antonio Navarroconsultant to the Ministry of Health.

These two days, distributed in seven tables A variety of topics will be discussed. From the proper use of the vaccine, the importance of vaccinating children against influenza, the challenges of this immunization or care strategies to improve vaccine coverage of the disease.

The event will conclude with the conference on Friday at 1:15 p.m. Artificial Intelligence in Health: Separating Fact from Fictionwill be assumed by Ignacio Medrano.

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