Japan sounds alarm over rapid spread of deadly Streptococcus strain

Japan All alarms are being sounded due to the rapid spread of a rare and extremely dangerous bacterial infection.According to reports, while they are searching for the cause guardianHealth authorities expect the number of cases in 2024 to far exceed last year’s record numbers, as concerns about the severity and mortality of the disease continue to grow in the country. Group A streptococcal diseasealso called syndrome Streptococcal toxic shock (STSS).

he Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID) warns that still “many unknown factors About the mechanisms behind fulminant (severe and emergent) streptococci. ” They also assured that they were not yet at the stage of providing an explanation. The number of STSS cases currently managed by the organization will jump to 941 by 2023, although 378 people have registered in the first two months of 2024determined the infection status in all but two of Japan’s 47 prefectures.

The strain is causing an increase in deaths among patients under 50, although older adults are at higher risk, according to data managed by the agency. NIID. According to the newspaper, 65 people under the age of 50 were diagnosed with the disease between July and December 2023, and about a third of them died. Asahi Shimbun.

In most cases it is caused by Bacteria called Streptococcus pyogenes, commonly known as Group A Streptococcus. Among possible consequences, it is believed to cause sore throats, especially in children, although some people have contracted it without knowing it or even become sick.However, these highly contagious bacteria can cause more severe illness, health complications, and even death, especially in Adults over 30 years old. Approximately 30% of STSS cases end in death.

elder, Main risk groups, cold-like symptoms may occur, although these symptoms may worsen to strep throat, tonsillitis, pneumonia, and meningitis.At its most severe, it can result in organ failure and necrosis.

Infection and Prevention

Some experts believe that Cases increase rapidly in 2023 Stemming from the suspension of restrictions during the pandemic. In May of the same year, the Japanese government lowered the level of Covid-19 from level two (which includes SARS and tuberculosis) to level five, equating it with seasonal influenza. Under the change, authorities cannot force people infected with coronavirus to miss work but cannot recommend they be hospitalized. Likewise, easing measures has led Japan to let its guard down, even though Japanese society is accustomed to the use of masks, hand sanitizing, and close contact with other people in enclosed and crowded spaces.

think Takeru KikuchiProfessor of Infectious Diseases Tokyo Women’s Medical University, revealed its “concerns” about the surge in cases this year, given the key role played in reclassifying Covid-19 as a category 5 disease.believe 50% of Japanese people infected with coronavirusgreatly altering their immune status and susceptibility to certain “microbes.”

Streptococcal diseases, such as Covid-19, are spread through droplets and physical contact, so this bacteria can also be spread through wounds on hands and feet. These conditions can be treated with antibiotics, but patients with more severe invasive group A strep disease require a combination of antibiotics and other drugs as well as intensive care.

Japan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare advises people to adopt the same prevention and hygiene methods as during the Covid-19 pandemic. “We hope people take precautions such as keeping fingers and hands clean and practicing good cough etiquette.”, Keizo Takemi, Japan’s Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, commented to reporters in early 2024.

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