What is allergic rhinitis and how to distinguish it from the common cold: these are the symptoms and complications of each disease | Health | Magazine

Although the symptoms of allergic rhinitis are similar to those of a cold, it is different from a cold, and in this book you’ll learn about the elements that distinguish them.

In addition to “making you feel bad,” the Mayo Clinic says, “allergic rhinitis can affect your performance at work or school and interfere with your overall life.”

The MSD manual states that allergic rhinitis is caused by the body’s immune system’s response to triggering environmental factors.

He emphasized that the most common environmental triggers are dust, mold, pollen, grass, trees and animals. “Both seasonal allergies and year-round allergies can cause allergic rhinitis.”

The Mayo Clinic calls these triggers “allergens,” which include pollen and dust mites. He noted that small particles of skin (pet dander) from cats, dogs and other animals with hair or feathers can also be allergens.

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The difference between allergic rhinitis and colds

“Allergic rhinitis, also known as ‘hay fever,’ causes cold-like symptoms including runny nose, itchy eyes, congestion, sneezing and sinus pressure,” the medical agency reports.

However, “unlike a cold, allergic rhinitis is not caused by a virus but by the body’s allergic response to harmless substances (allergens), either internal or external.”

  • Fever (fever) occurs with a cold; this does not occur with rhinitis.
  • Allergic rhinitis is not a contagious disease and is therefore not contagious.

The symptoms of allergic rhinitis usually appear suddenly, last for a short time, but are cyclical. The nasal mucus is usually watery and clear, while that of a cold is thicker and light yellow.

Red Cross Victoria Eugenia Hospital

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis

According to the Mayo Clinic, rhinitis symptoms They can be the following:

  • Runny and stuffy nose
  • Red, itchy, watery eyes (allergic conjunctivitis)
  • sneeze
  • cough
  • Itchy nose, palate, or throat
  • Mucus running down the back of the throat (postnasal drip)
  • Blue and swollen skin under the eyes (allergic dark circles)
  • Extreme tiredness (fatigue), often due to lack of sleep
  • Headache (headache) was added to the Red Cross Victoria Eugenia Hospital site in Seville, Spain.

Nearly 40% of people in Latin America suffer from allergic rhinitis

cold symptoms

Photo: Pexels/cottonbro studio

Colds or catarrh are often associated with general malaise,

  • Fever (never allergic),
  • cough
  • hoarse
  • He detailed that nasal congestion is usually bilateral during a cold and alternates during allergies.
Excerpted from hospitalveugenia.com

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Complications of allergic rhinitis

At least five scenarios appear at the Mayo Clinic.

  1. Decreased quality of life. Allergic rhinitis can prevent you from enjoying activities and reduce your productivity at work. Many people miss work or school because of allergic rhinitis symptoms.
  2. did not sleep well. Symptoms of allergic rhinitis can keep you awake or make it difficult to fall asleep, causing fatigue and general discomfort.
  3. Asthma worsens. Allergic rhinitis can worsen asthma symptoms, such as coughing and wheezing. Having other allergies or asthma are risk factors for allergic rhinitis.
  4. Sinusitis. Chronic sinus congestion caused by allergic rhinitis increases the risk of sinusitis, infection or inflammation of the sinus lining.
  5. Ear infection.

If you have allergic rhinitis and are unable to get relief from your symptoms, see your doctor.


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