Our province launches annual influenza vaccination campaign

The Santa Fe government launched its annual flu vaccination campaign Thursday. Typically, the first to receive doses are health care workers and nursing home staff and residents. At the same time, it will expand to other groups over time.

“Let’s start Vaccinate the most vulnerable and exposed, then proceed to vaccinate the entire target population or recipients: health workers and personnel, staff and residents of seniors facilities (seniors); because while all of us can have this disease, some groups are more likely to develop complications,” the province expanded explains Gabriela Clementz, head of the Program on Immunization (PAI).

Subsequently, Flu vaccination schedule for pregnant women to be brought forward Women in any trimester of pregnancy, postpartum, children 6 months to 2 years old, people 2 to 64 years old with risk factors, and people 65 years and older.

Regarding the importance of vaccination, Clements explained: “Every year during March/April, we expect the National Health Service to have the vaccines that are popular that year available. So when they become available, they are made up of the same vaccines that were used in previous years. New strains formulated with different strains are beginning to be distributed and applied. This is why it is necessary to receive a dose once a year to get more protection.”

Target population

The following people will receive influenza vaccination:

  • health personnel.
  • Pregnant women: With every pregnancy and any trimester: With every pregnancy, you must receive influenza and covid-19 vaccines in any trimester, acellular triple bacterial vaccine (DTPA) starting in the 20th week of pregnancy, and Respiratory Syncytial Vaccine Viral vaccination is given between 32 and 36 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Postpartum group: If not vaccinated during pregnancy, until discharge from the maternity hospital – up to 10 days.
  • Boys and girls 6 to 24 months: Give two doses if not vaccinated before.
  • People between 2 and 64 years old with risk factors: Documentation of pre-existing medical conditions, including risk factors.
  • People 65 and older.
  • Strategic personnel whose performance is critical to maintaining essential functions (e.g., national security forces).

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