What it is, symptoms and how to treat it


Strep is a disease that has been with us for a long time, especially in children ages 1 to 12. Cases increased in 2022, affecting first the UK, then France and finally Spain. This bacteria can be deadly.

when we talk about Streptococcus A we are made from a common bacteria It generally does not cause more serious infection or death, but is related to pharyngitis, etc.

When an infected person coughs or sneezes, they may It is easy to infect others through the air. This is not the only way the infection can occur as it can also be through an object the child sucks and then another person touches the object, so it can easily be spread between young children.

What experts say

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) explains that strep throat infection occurs in the throat and is found in Group A Streptococcus bacteria.

What symptoms occur

Group A Streptococcus can cause a variety of illnesses related to coughs and colds.

Generally speaking, symptoms can be Fever, sore throat, red and swollen tonsilspus, cough, mucus, hoarseness, etc.

What causes group A strep?

According to Medline Plus:

  • Throat infection: Inflammation and pain in the throat.Your tonsils may be swollen and have white spots
  • Scarlet Fever: A disease that occurs after strep throat.Causes a red rash on the body
  • Impetigo: skin infection
  • toxic shock syndrome
  • Cellulitis and necrotizing fasciitis (necrotizing disease)

How is the disease treated?

The New York Department of Health notes that Group A strep can be treated with common antibiotics.Already used Penicillin or clindamycin Treating patients who are allergic to penicillin to make their condition more severe.

There are other antibiotics that are also effective. For these diseases, in addition to antibiotics, intensive care unit care and, in some cases, surgery are required.

How to prevent it?

Many of the actions we take to avoid colds and Covid 19 can reduce this. Wash your hands and see a doctor if you have a sore throatkeep the wound clean, monitor the wound for signs of infection, especially in young children who are more susceptible to infection, and see a doctor.

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