Xunta intranasal flu vaccine approved for children 2 to 5 years old

Xunta adds intranasal flu vaccine to vaccination schedule for children aged 2 to 5 yearseuropa publishing house

  • The Galician Health Service (Sergas) has announced that it will manage the service starting in September

  • This intranasal vaccine will be injected directly through the nasal mucosa to replace a puncture

  • The Galician administration will allocate 550,000 euros to the program, with the goal of procuring 30,000 doses of vaccine

Last season, the flu was more deadly than previous flu seasons, killing as many as one-third of hospitalizations Causes pneumonia.

And, according to epidemiologists, The flu is coming This comes after many years of health measures against covid-19 being in force.

That’s why any help Prevent the effects of these viruses Especially in the smallest houses, well received by society; in Galicia, Servizo Galego de Saúde (Sergas) announced that it will manage, starting from septemberintranasal influenza vaccine Children 2 to 5 years oldAs Xunta acting president Alfonso Rueda announced this Thursday.

The top regional leader explained that Xunta €550,000 will be allocated The goal of the program is to obtain 30,000 doses of the vaccine.

The President of Galicia stated a few weeks ago that the Council The green light was given on Thursday Xunta was a pioneer in the “global” introduction of certain vaccines at the beginning of the process of including this vaccine in the children’s calendar.

This intranasal vaccine will replace punctures

Rueda explained that the intranasal vaccine will replace piercing When “administered directly where many sources of infection may exist, What is the nasal mucosa?activate the local immune system.

Nonetheless, he once again claimed that Galicia was consolidated as “a vaccination reference, Especially children”, like other serums in the Galician calendar in recent years.

The acting president of Galicia has set a goal of achieving “more than 60%” coverage of children aged 2 to 5 with the intranasal vaccine, which would Approximately 27,000 patients. In the last immunization campaign, the compliance rate was about 50% and reached 83% for infants aged 6 months to one year old.

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