Health: How to tell the difference between influenza and dengue fever

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Many people infected with the dengue virus may delay seeing a doctor for a few days because at first they think it is just a simple flu or cold. Although some symptoms may appear similar, there are important differences between the two diseases.

How to differentiate between influenza and dengue fever.

Steps to follow:

Influenza and dengue fever share some symptoms, so many patients get confused thinking it’s a common cold or the flu.

Signs of both conditions include:

  • General malaise
  • apathy and fatigue
  • Headache
  • Fever, if you have a severe cold or flu

However, to differentiate between influenza and dengue fever, we must look at the severity of symptoms and the presence of other typical cold symptoms.

The general discomfort of dengue fever is accompanied by severe pain in the joints and muscles that lasts for several days. It’s not just fatigue and apathy like the flu, but body-wide aches and severe fatigue that are exacerbated by a decrease in blood platelets.

Another key aspect in differentiating the flu from dengue fever is the duration of headache and fever. In dengue cases, patients experience headaches and severe discomfort in their eye sockets, making them feel heaviness and pain while performing simple movements. Additionally, fever often lasts for several days, which is uncommon with colds and flu unless there is a severe infection.

On the other hand, it is important to consider that there are no certain symptoms to differentiate between influenza and dengue fever. People infected with the Aedes aegypti virus do not develop the typical symptoms of the flu and colds, such as mucus, sneezing or coughing.

Symptoms of dengue fever can last for several days and worsen with a decrease in blood platelets. If the platelet count drops below 10,000, in addition to feeling extremely weak, the patient may begin to experience symptoms of dengue hemorrhagic fever: bleeding gums, blood in the urine, and skin bruising. In view of these symptoms, it is necessary to see a specialist as soon as possible, since medical monitoring is very important for the patient’s recovery.

These points will help you differentiate between influenza and dengue fever. If you suspect you have the virus, it is necessary to see a doctor for a checkup and blood test rather than taking medication at home. While there is no specific treatment for dengue fever, medications can be taken to make symptoms less uncomfortable, but taking aspirin while suffering from the disease may cause dengue hemorrhagic fever, worsening the prognosis.

What should I eat if I have dengue fever?

Platelets help keep blood clotting properly, so when platelet levels drop, we are at risk of internal bleeding, as is the case with hemorrhagic dengue fever. Since this virus can cause a significant decrease in platelets, it is necessary to eat foods that help increase platelets and make us feel stronger and healed.

We know you don’t have a big appetite, but What you should eat to strengthen your body if you have dengue feverwhich is why we recommend you take:

stay hydrated, especially if you have a high fever.recommend Drink water and natural juices. Fruits rich in vitamin C, such as kiwi, guava, strawberry, orange, tangerine, lemon or pineapple, are ideal fruits for increasing platelets and improving health, and should be eaten more.

These vitamin C-rich fruits can be eaten whole. Guava is particularly useful in treating dengue fever.

this Vegetables rich in vitamin C Eating them is also very beneficial if you have dengue fever as they can help increase your platelets. Spinach, lamb lettuce or watercress, green and red peppers and carrots are particularly recommended.

Chicken soup contains vegetable ingredients and a pleasant taste, making it an ideal choice for dengue patients as it is light and can be consumed even when appetite is low.

Carrot and celery-based broths are also recommended, two excellent options for increasing platelets.

Beets are another ingredient that can help boost your immune system and recovery.

It is also recommended to consume garlic, which is an ideal ingredient for increasing platelets and promoting recovery. Can be made into garlic soup and added to chicken soup or carrot and celery soup.

Although dengue fever can cause a loss of appetite in patients, it is recommended to eat small amounts of food several times a day, especially juices and broths that provide moisture and nutrients.

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