10 home remedies for the flu in pregnant women

Flu infection during pregnancy is treated under medical guidance, which recommends rest, drinking plenty of fluids, and a balanced, healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals to help build defenses and strengthen the immune system to fight the flu virus. .Infectious conditions.

Apart from this, some great options for home remedies and juices for flu during pregnancy are lemon honey tea, beet juice or onion juice as they have natural antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help to fight it easier microorganism. Relieve symptoms of inflammation, cough or sore throat and promote recovery.

To avoid contracting the flu virus, it’s important to take some precautions, such as avoiding closed settings with large crowds of people, using shared towels or utensils, and washing your hands frequently. Learn how to strengthen your body’s defenses.

10 home remedies for the flu in pregnant women

home remedies for flu

There are some home remedies and natural remedies that can be done at home to improve flu, cough and cold in pregnant women, these are:

1.Drink more water

It is important to drink plenty of fluids such as water, coconut water, infusions, vegetable broth, chicken broth, natural juices to help hydrate your throat and body, avoid dehydration and promote recovery from the flu during pregnancy.

2. Carry out atomization

Nebulizing with a saline solution can relieve flu symptoms such as nasal congestion and coughing in pregnant women.

How to do it: Put 5 to 10 ml of saline solution into the nebulizer glass, place the mask near your nose, and breathe in the vapor until the liquid disappears completely.

Nebulization should be done 2 to 3 times a day for about 20 minutes each time, especially in the morning and before bed.

3. Drink lemon ginger tea

Lemon, honey, and ginger tea is ideal for pregnant women with the flu, as it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help relieve coughs, colds, and throat discomfort.

This tea is delicious, immune-system-boosting, and in addition to being rich in vitamin C, it fights flu and colds, making it an excellent natural cough supplement.

raw material

  • 1 cm ginger;
  • 150ml water;
  • Squeeze 1/2 lemon;
  • 1 teaspoon honey.

preparation method

Put water and ginger into a pot, heat over low heat, add honey and lemon after 5 minutes, cool slightly and drink.

Although ginger is considered safe during pregnancy, it is important to use it under the guidance of a doctor; research is still necessary related to the maximum dosage considered safe.

4. Rinse mouth with water and salt

Gargling with water and salt can help relieve sore throat and inflammation caused by the flu during pregnancy because they have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

How to do it: Add 1 tablespoon salt to 1 cup warm water and stir until the salt is diluted. Afterwards, you should rinse your mouth for as long as possible and then spit the water out. Repeat the process 2 more times.

You can also rinse your mouth with chamomile or baking soda.

Also read: 6 Mouthwashes for Sore Throat and Inflammation

tuasaude.com/en/gargaras-for-swollen throat

5. Drink onion juice

Onion juice has expectorant and antibacterial properties that help relieve coughs and throat phlegm. Honey can moisturize the throat, making phlegm thinner and easier to pass. Check out other home remedies for cough during pregnancy.

raw material

preparation method

Chop the onion, coat with honey and heat in a covered saucepan over low heat for 40 minutes. Afterwards, it should be stored in a glass bottle in the refrigerator and drunk several times a day.

6. Inhale steam with eucalyptus or chamomile

Inhaling the vapors of herbs allowed during pregnancy, such as eucalyptus or chamomile, can help improve congestion, relieve colds and reduce coughs in pregnant women.

How to do it: Prepare chamomile or eucalyptus tea by boiling water and inhaling the steam for about 20 minutes, keeping a distance of 8 cm between your face and the container. You should put the tea in a cup, place it on the table, then sit on a chair and tilt it slightly to inhale the steam.

These inhalations can be done 2 to 3 times a day.

7. Drink orange juice with lemon and propolis

Being rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds such as vitamin C and flavonoids, lemon and propolis orange juice can boost immunity and help pregnant women fight the flu virus.

raw material:

Preparation method:

Squeeze 2 oranges and 1 lemon into a glass and add 1 spoonful of honey dessert. Finally add 2 drops of propolis extract, stir well and drink.

Pregnant women should take propolis under the authorization of a doctor.

8. Increase your intake of vitamins A and C

Foods rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, such as citrus fruits, dairy products, and vegetables, are a good choice to help heal and prevent pregnancy flu faster, as they are nutrients that strengthen the immune system and help fight bacteria and the flu. More susceptible to viral infections.

9. Rest

In addition, it is also important for pregnant women with influenza to rest to help their bodies recover faster and avoid recurrence.

10. Place a wet towel on your forehead

If a pregnant woman has a fever, placing a towel under her armpits can help lower her body temperature naturally.

Always talk to your obstetrician before taking other home remedies to relieve the flu during pregnancy. Check out the full list of teas that pregnant women should not drink.


Flu during pregnancy is important for pregnant women to take some steps to not only avoid spreading it to others, but also to avoid new infections, so it is recommended:

  • Avoid sharing food, glasses and cutlery;
  • Avoid going to crowded closed environments;
  • wash hands frequently;
  • Stay relaxed and avoid stressful situations;
  • Avoid handshakes, kisses and hugs;
  • Lie flat, rest, and avoid physical exertion;
  • Avoid putting your hands in your mouth.

The use of the drug should only be done under the guidance of an obstetrician, as most drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy due to their potential risks to the development of the baby.

When should you see a doctor

To avoid complications for mother and baby, it is important to see a doctor when severe signs and symptoms occur, such as difficulty breathing, persistent fever over 38°C, severe abdominal pain, drop in blood pressure, and confusion. If the doctor deems it necessary, the woman can continue to stay in the hospital for observation.

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