Virtus Arechi Salerno, Renzullo: “ready to start a new cycle”

Salerno – An open letter to the fans. Thus, Nello Renzullo, president of Virtus Arechi Salerno, broke his silence after a decidedly below-expectation season finale, which culminated in a defeat in the play-offs and resulted in a drop to the new Interregional Serie B. “The Only Mistakes They Don’t Make – the president’s note read – Once the disappointment of a decidedly complicated year that didn’t meet initial objectives was overcome, the company spent several weeks thinking about its future. Has been A future that cannot go without taking into account the successes achieved in recent years, that is, the successes achieved by our youth sector. In recent seasons, in fact, the Cantera Blaugrana has given many joys, and it is precisely the five regional titles won and the two national finals that we want to start again. So the backbone of the future Lars Vertus Arechi Salerno will be our young players, but that does not mean that we have no ambition. opposite of this! Salerno deserves an ambitious team. To demonstrate this it was decided to restart a cycle. With the confirmation of Pino Corvo in the role of Sporting Director, we will clearly start again from where we started in 2017. But this is only the first step in view of the 2023-24 season, in fact in the next few days the club will officially inform the program of the new project. Because as Michael Jordan once said: “I can give up, but I can’t give up trying”. Go Vertus Arechi Salerno”.

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