instagram profiles that talk about hair

The trendiest, liveliest and most updated ideas come from the web, where dedicated Instagram accounts for hair are popping up.

Hair Instagram accounts have become a source of inspiration around the world. be they profiles, hashtags or moodboards, which provide a virtual showcase latest trends And the most fashionable hairstyles. Every day, followers can peek into the lives of not only professionals in the field, but also celebrities, influencers or ordinary people – discovering new styles. come on trendy cuts But colorway, these profiles offer thousands of views. And hair becomes an art form expressed through attractive and luxurious images.

Hair on Instagram: A jump in visits

One of the most popular hashtags is HairInspo, which is mostly curated by industry professionals who share trendy hairstyles, innovative cuts, and bold colors.

If you are looking for something safe, universally followed, with over 5 million Followers Hairstylist’s account jane atkinWith an impressive list of celebrities attracted to its salons: Jennifer Lopez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba and Hailey Bieber.

even instagram hair profile harry josh And Sam McKnight They top the priorities of those who seek inspiration from the big names in hairstyles.

dedicated among hair profiles on instagram men’s hair styleAttention should be paid to the following menshareworldA community that features ideas for men with modern cuts, beard and mustache Flawless and hair care tips.

Following these profiles is like having a virtual beauty salon at your fingertips, with endless possibilities for styles and hairstyles to express your personality.

News from Instagram: Camille Marcolini’s moodboard

But there’s something new online among profiles dedicated to hair on Instagram, one page that comes from an Italian American with a catchy name: camille marcolini-messageFounder of a global moodboard simply called… @capelli.

The topic is as simple as it is basic: resharing the post hairstylesCapable of evoking some intense reaction, from joy to sadness, to irony or daily boredom.

Camille’s Instagram page was born from her personal idea, and became a powerful tool that created a community around world of hair hairstyles, Apparently his followers are excited about the topic and the page continues to grow.

Every day, Camille receives images via direct messages, suggestions for shots and is tagged in hair photos shared in Stories. This makes the reciprocity mechanism with its audience, the true essence of a social network, its most beautiful and interesting part: Disseminate and promote original ideas out of the ordinary,

Camille’s project and its added value

Her Instagram profile has an intuitive approach, featuring both Camille’s personal content and content sent in by followers. there is Paying attention to people, their individual styles, hair that reflects their personality, This page has become a place to share passion connecting with like minded people on the globe. a jobor inclusive and focused that represents a diverse range of styles and cultures.

The future of this type of project? It may be possible that Camille’s world is realized in real life through live events, perhaps held at the Salon, even though it is still too early to talk about the evolution of the current moodboards.

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