Thelma & Louise, Geena Davis didn’t remember auditioning George Clooney!

Thelma and Louise In a very short time it became a phenomenal cult. For the role that later marked the beginning of Brad Pitt’s career, several actors were considered, including George Clooney. However, it seems that Geena Davis didn’t remember this detail.

the two met On a plane during a trip 20 years after the film’s release, During a conversation between the two, Clooney mentioned that, years earlier, he had done script readings for Thelma & Louise with Brad Pitt in an attempt to get him the role. Clooney didn’t win the audition but still, shortly after, his career took off, However, at the time of the audition, the Oscar-winning actor was just “a young man among many”.

For precisely this reason, during our conversation on the plane, Davies admits he doesn’t remember reading with his younger colleague And that moment has to be removed completely. Thelma & Louise is still considered one of the most memorable films of the 80s. To play JD Ridley, Scott decided to wet Brad Pitt’s abs to make him more sexy and attractive.

In the meantime, we recommend our review of Ridley Scott’s classic Thelma & Louise with Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon. What do you think? Tell us about it in the comments!

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