Six year sentence for assault and robbery in old woman’s house in Baronisi

accused of being attacked with violence and then Been plundered An 85-year-old lady from Baronisi comes home condemned Imprisonment for up to 6 years. This is the sentence issued by Gup Dell yesterday morning court Of inferior nucleusAbout joseph goodThe 42-year-old man is currently in jail and has been charged the murder Of Maria Grazia Martino and the attempted murder of his sister Adele in Salerno. women with whom the man worked care taker, The decision came at the end of the brief process. The defendant was defended by advocate Assunta Mutalipasi. Sixty days have been envisaged for filing the cause. Goop relevantly said liberated a second person who was initially retained Fellow of the 42-year-old man of the baronetcy. The facts are of 2 July 2022. Buono replied Sports injuries And gruesome robbery, The coup will receive 26 thousand euros.

According to the allegations recreated from Prosecutor of Nocera Inferior, on that day the defendant must have managed to enter the victim’s apartment, after breaking and entering by force. Then he started searching the whole house. Suddenly, the old woman returned from a walk with the dog and caught the man. The victim’s husband was absent at that time. By then the 42 year old will have this hit hardbetween kicks and punches, leaving him unconscious on land Eventually escaped. There Robbery The incident committed for the loss of the old lady is seven days ago. Crime Of via san leonardoin Salerno. The investigation documents the testimony of the victim, who told the Carabinieri what happened that day, after recovering from the injuries to which she was transferred hospital, At first he told that he had seen two people in the house while returning. it must have been one of them joseph goodWhose house is about 200 meters away from you.

The woman told that she knows him, she has always had cordial relations with him. He then gave information about another person, referring to an acquaintance of his, who lives in the same building. for later the prosecutor asked arrest But the magistrate dismissed considering incomplete evidence, also because of the ambiguous testimony of the victim. The man, defended by attorney Rosario Fiore, defended himself in the courtroom yesterday morning. Innocent, The group acquitted him of the charges. The Carabinieri, after the events, analyzed telephone cells, as well as gathered testimony. old lady’s husbandwho have spoken of strange liaisons in the past Robbery, regarding your car purchase and your travel information. job of r eIn addition, he provided elements relating to a series of footprints found in the house for unknown reasons. Safety of Good pioneers appeal appealonce the reason has been entered Condemnation,


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