what happened from happiness to slap

bad accident for pop star Britney Spears: will be singer Slap by a member of the French basketball player’s security in Las Vegas Victor Vembanyama, The artist, who was accompanied by her husband Sam Asghari, put her hand on the athlete’s back to ask for a selfie shortly after the game.

Britney Spears attacks Victor Vembanyama’s security

It appears that Britney Spears didn’t take what happened at all, not even going so far as to file a complaint. On Instagram, the singer decided to tell her version of what happened on Wednesday night at the entrance of a hotel restaurant: “I decided to contact him and congratulate him on his success. Since it was very noisy, I tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention.“. Then he continued: “After this his security slapped me. ‘Hit’ almost knocked me over and tore my glasses“. The LAPD has confirmed that it has opened an investigation into the ‘assault and injuries.’ No arrest warrants or citations have been issued at this time.”I haven’t received a public apology yet By the player, his security or his organization: I hope they want to do that..Spears concluded.

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