Excursus Pop: Notes on Pop Art.

What do they have in common Marilyn MonroeJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy Jacqueline KennedyElizabeth II, Elizabeth Taylor, mother of jesusMao, David Bowie, Freddie Mercuryrafaela carra, Elvis Presley, Chiara Ferragni, Lady Dee and Mina? I am Celebrities from the worlds of entertainment, politics and culture All these can happen in the same room and at the same time, because they have been immortalized by the so-called artists.”pop“Making them an absolute symbol of art and a popular point of reference.

Starting from Andy Warhol 1960 Till today 2023 with Giuseppe Veneziano And Mimmo is passing through Rotella Disgusting (which we will discuss later), there was a competition to make the characters mentioned above almost immortal symbols. Each artist has portrayed the diva or star of the moment according to their own unique characteristics which then makes the difference. But going back to the word “icon,” the literal meaning of the word is image (from the Greek, today it identifies a person or thing that represents an image). adding pop makes the word pop icon and refers to a popular culture character that has managed to become a point of reference not only for art lovers but also for the public. So this type of icon becomes a style that creates a culture.

If there is a pop icon, its base must exist, that is pop ArtShort form of “popular art”, an artistic movement that originated in England in the mid-fifties but quickly developed in America and, as we have said, with Andy Warhol we have the iconic characters “Marilyn and Kennedy”. There is no return with. but we also have cartoons Roy Lichtenstein who begins to systematically incorporate elements typical of the world of advertising and comics into his works, making it his own recognizable style by using dotted lines in an exaggerated manner, to patriotism jasper jones With his famous American flag “The Flag”, which over the years would be disassembled, inverted, multiplied and reproduced in approximately 30 paintings, 14 prints and 50 drawings,

Pop art was born and we have seen it from these three examples to “break” the balance of Pollock’s “abstract expressionism”, which he emphasized, with spontaneous, automatic creation using dripping onto a canvas spread on the floor; So, we said, are inspired by everyday life, from objects (the American flag, tomatoes, detergent and Oldenburg meat) to popular characters of that period.

pop art arrived in italy mimmo rotella With his torn layered posters, Mario Schifano modified and reformulated Warhol’s memory with his “Coca-Cola” and “Esso” logos and giosetta fioreni Quoting a lady of Italian pop with her silver and gold shapes to create an “ethereal” colourfulness. Besides the Fioroni of the 70s, another woman who has managed to emerge in today’s pop is the Japanese yayoi kusama, turns everything it touches into points. Pop icons in the past have often been “women” because The feminine world is a symbol of beauty and attractivenessElements that were then at the center of the artistic aesthetic world, just mention Botticelli’s Spring or Venus, Raphael’s Madonna or Fornarina or Leonardo’s Gioconda.

pop icons 2.0 or 3.0 Chiara Ferragni, Raffaella Cara, Lady Gaga, Maradona, Marcel Jacobs and Fiorello, The main subject of pop art is always the consumer society, both in everyday objects and television personalities, actors, social networks and now influencers, where it is always colorful and joyful on canvas, as if to hide our existential pain. . Cultural and consumer civilization, which is the starting point of pop art.

Citing today’s Pop Art 3.0 painters, we have Sicilian Giuseppe Veneziano, Piedmontese Emiliano Cavalli and Andrea Mattiello of Tuscan origin. There’s never been a shortage of pop art these decades Generational change is always ready to “churn” its products, its mark. Giuseppe Veneziano, I believe he is one of the greatest exponents of pop art in recent years, has been defined by critics as “New Pop”, his works are irreverent and provocative, they increasingly collide, all hidden by bright and saturated colors, This is not the usual sweet portrayal of the characterBreaks in play plans, Snow White killing the seven dwarfs, Jesus on the cross with a leopard dress, Madonna with the child in the shape of Ferragni, do not go unnoticed, causing many disputes and discussions.

what to say about it Emiliano Cavalli from Piedmont, better known by the nickname ESC 72, is a graphic-painter and fond of photography. He focuses on pop icons by choosing his “Divas” and making them “Fragile”, a trademark of a project born a few years ago, where all the characters were.stonedWriting with scotch tape is delicate and they all exist, from Moira Orfee to Mina, from Frida to Madonna. He currently plays with his “Saints”. giant project where icons are saints, At Pistoia’s Andrea Mattiello, absolutely pieve a nivole, he expresses his pop with strong colours, clear saturated graphics and laid back collage techniques. His works are too linear, too simple, too abstract, too carried away

If we look at the capital Rome, we find an artistic group called Silver Studio Art Factory, led by pop artist Fabio Farron Viola, who, together with ten other artists, pioneered “pop” in the manner of Andy Warhol, but each with their own style. In fact, he has rebuilt the American factory by covering the laboratory with silver film. One of the unifying elements of the “Factory” is recycling e reuse of materials: passing from buttons and beer caps, to plastic to cork, to the use of simple canvas or metal supports. Exactly 80 years have passed and this is pop art and it is before us, with street art in our homes, studios, galleries, museums and on the streets, a constant evolution, never regressing in motives, colors and symbols.

except ardizone


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