Chrissy Teigen and John Legend fourth newborn video

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend Made a Surprise Announcement on Instagram fourth child, wren, But how did she keep this pregnancy such a secret? with the help of a Surrogate mother,

surprise announcement

Teigen He explained everything in detail with a long post published on June 28: “In 2021 we have moved to a surrogate pregnancy agency. We were considering the option of two consecutive surrogate pregnancies, each of which would result in a boy or a girl. As if they were twins, ”he explained.

one last pregnancy

Then a change in direction, after a 2020 miscarriage that left her devastated and which she was forced to pursue due to serious health problems, the 37-year-old former model has personally decided to try getting pregnant again. decided. She did this through in vitro fertilization or IVF. The baby was born from this third pregnancy HeatIn January this year.

surrogate mother

However, along with this the process of selecting the surrogate mother also continued. “I’ve always dreamed of having four kids,” Teigen admitted in the same post. And that’s how she came into his life Alexandrawhich he then gave to her rain, both women, have been for a few months pregnant togetherAnd they become friends, even including one in the carousel of photos chosen by the family to announce the baby’s arrival in which Chrissy kisses the surrogate mother’s belly.

a big family

Wren, who was born with lots of hair and already looks a lot like his father john legendis added HeatWhich is just 5 months old. mileswho is 4 years old, ea moon, the eldest in the family, 7 years old. chrissy and john who got married On Lake Como in 2013, they finally had the family of six they had always dreamed of. And who knows whether they’ll have another surprise in reserve for us in the future.

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