One in 10 moms struggle to bond with their baby. vanity fair italy

What if “love at first sight” doesn’t last? It’s not so unusual for new moms to struggle to bond with their baby: It happens more than one in ten (11.5%)According to a survey of over 1,000 mothers by the English Foundation Parent-Child Foundation. According to a survey, most of these women feel completely alone, without the support of health workers.

Nearly three-quarters (73%) of women said so not getting information or advice Despite the well-known importance of emotional attachment to the mother in encouraging healthy development in the baby, strengthening the bond with her baby in the first weeks after birth is important.

In fact, the moms interviewed actually explained that Society’s pressure and the widespread idea that bonds should arise spontaneously, made them feel guilty and scared, when instead, that intimacy was not felt. The problem is to debunk some false narratives: «We Need to Dispel the Myth of the “Perfect Parent”“” Tamora Langley Explained Parent-Child Foundation“so that pregnant women feel able to ask for help when they need it”.

There are many factors that affect the bond between mother and child during pregnancy, including: Physical and mental health of women and their trauma past, such as the loss of a child.

One mother who took part in the survey said that, despite having had several abortions before she was able to carry out the abortion, “no one seems to understand that bonding with a child can be difficult, considering That the worst could happen again.” Second: “I believed there was something wrong with me because I didn’t immediately fall in love with my sonWhile everyone was talking to me about “the most magical moment of childbirth”.

71% of moms interviewed i wish she could get more help, at birth, to bond with their baby, but 64% received no training to bond with the newborn during pregnancy. 15% of the women reported that they heard about it very late, only after the child was born.


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