“Two Drops of Water”. Baby Star is already a singer like mom

beyonce shared a photo with my daughter blue Ivy, 11, and fans went nuts. the eldest daughter of the singer and jay zee He’s already a star. Time has actually called her “the most famous girl in the world”. In the photo published by the artist on social networks side by side with his mother, it is impossible not to notice the incredible similarity. A user writes in the comment, “Two drops of water.” Another commented, “It’s clearly on the rise.”

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Who is Blue Ivy Carter?

Born in 2012, the little girl from Carter House has an amazing music career ahead of her. It’s hard to leave that world when you’re the daughter of two of the most iconic American icons of the last 20 years. But she seems comfortable in the role of a child artist. Next to her mother, beautiful in an orange dress, she looked super stylish in a denim outfit, matching purse and eye-catching sunglasses.

youngest to win a grammy

blue Ivy She became the youngest artist to enter the chart compiled by Billboard, as well as the youngest winner of the Grammy Award for Best Video Clip in 2021 for Brown Skin Girl.

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