Thousand Souls of Naples, the Blues and the Africa Gnat

His musical influences start from the English folk of Nick Drake and John Martin, passing through Neapolitan songs, blues and the African music of Mali. Singer-songwriter, guitarist, soundtrack composer, Gnut will join the concert today (9 pm, free admission) on stage at the Cassini Amphitheater’s summer venue Ultravox Firenze. “Songs saved me from a future that was not mine. I attended elementary school at the famous school where ‘I Hope I Get By’ was written, on which Wertmüller’s film was based. I spent my teenage years in places that Today he is famous for Amora. I had a good family behind me so I never ventured into a career in crime. But when it came time to face adulthood, the road ahead was bleak. So I took up more, my guitar is strong and I have tried in every way to make that passion my profession”, says the artist. In the Florentine live, in the foreground is “Lorso ‘nnumurato”, a project (album and book) created by Neapolitan singer-songwriter, Claudio Domestico, born in 1981, together with poet-singer Alessio Solo. “L’orso ‘nnammurato” (published in 2019 by “Ad est dell’equatore”) is a record born from Solo’s previous book of poems, then set to music by Gnut. The book-disc contains 66 poems, 14 of which have become songs, set to music, sung and played by Gnut along with the band’s musicians.

At Ultravox, Gnut will also play the hits from his latest album, “Nun Te Ne Fa” (fourth studio work). A title – meaning “Don’t overthink problems” – which is also a proverb and a life philosophy. This disc is the result of a writing work that began in 2014 due to a friendship and artistic bond with English producer and songwriter Piers Faccini. The latter, who is already the producer of Gnut’s second album “The Noise of Light”, is not only the producer and arranger of this record, but also welcomes Gnut to his Beating Drums label since 2018. After the concert, the evening continued with a set by Stone and DJ. The 2023 Ultravox season is designed in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo. It is supported by Toscana Aeroporti, Prinz, Bex, Astra and takes place as part of the Estates Fiorentina 2023.

Barbara Bertie

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