TV series best watched when you’re alone: ​​little pearls for those who like to reflect

TV series to watch alone, to reflect on your inner self: Here’s the list

we often watch movies or videos TV series Turning off your mind and not thinking about daily problems, sometimes laughing with friends, listening to interesting stories and sometimes it is done. to reflect About yourself and about the meaning of life. Today we are going to discover for you the best TV series that you can watch LonelyWith no one around and the possibility to think only of yourself, expressing all your needs through tears, laughter and sad smiles.

TV series best watched when you’re alone: ​​little pearls for those who like to reflect
TV series to watch when you are alone –

When you find yourself alone at home and want to watch a movie with no one to disturb you, you should choose one of the series we offer, embodying the characters and experiencing the plot from different eyes. Be aware of life and everything that surrounds you, learn to love it Loneliness And paying attention to your attitude, behavior and happenings in your life and the mistakes you have made which you should never do again. Let’s see which TV series are worth watching at the retreat psychological,

TV series to consider: which one to watch?

Challenging and challenging to watch international TV series in one go Personal, where everyone can get their own interpretation, feel more protagonist, more secondary character or more savage. In any case, they are well-studied and well-produced film series, to which you can devote a part of the day in complete silence. what tv series do we present surrender your feelings,

  • Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story

A TV series that traces the lives of the world’s most famous serial killers. ryan murphyIn the first season, the details of the life of Jeffrey Dahmer, Milwaukee Cannibals, reached one billion viewing hours in two months. deepening sensibility and seeing Dahmer as a hero creates a certain Solidarity towards the hero.

TV series
Monster: The Life of Jeffrey Dahmer – Credits: Youtube –

public is capable be attached and feel pity for one of the most dangerous men in history, thanks for the explanation evan peterswho has earned, in addition, a golden globes, Despite the success of the TV series, the project was highly successful. criticized, especially by relatives of the victims, who accused Netflix and the production of forcing families to re-live those moments of terror and immense despair, remembering the brutal deaths of their loved ones. Overall, if you like stories then this is a series that deserves it true Crime Perfect for you.

A drama born out of a shooting set in New York, as seen in the pilot episode. follows the life of the plot david sullivaninterpreted by tom hollandwho said that after this role he had to stay away from the limelight sensitivity and ofemotional commitment Which he had to put into acting.

TV series
Crowded room – credit: youtube –

This product was created with the intention of developing sympathy and pity in the public towards the suffering people mental problems And trauma, crowded room It is a gritty psychological drama, which traces the turmoil of the past and relives the agony and pain experienced like an endless vicious cycle.

  • switchboard girls

a series NetflixSigned ramon campos, Gemma R Nira And Teresa Fernandez Valdez, From the tragic side, the plot follows the adventures of four girls who meet during an interview to work in a switchboard. set in one madrid One that is growing and modernizing, but at the same time, is also embedded in tradition.

TV series
The Switchboard Girls – Credits: Youtube –

an opposition to WomanThe masculinity of the 20s and 30s, in contrast, reflected the essential requirements that women must have in order to work: be single, be between 18 and 27 years old, not wear glasses. Strict rules for hiding beautiful women around and giving them jobs that men would not want to do. The story is based on the ups and downs of these four girls who have secrets, love and family apart from their work.

another series Netflix that will drag you into this world TonyStarring & Produced By Ricky Gervais, Hero stays in full condition indifferenceWhere nothing satisfies him, his wife is dead and he has nothing left to lose, he contemplates suicide, yet he resists the idea.

TV series
After Life – credit: youtube –

The right decision, which he makes, is not to keep anything inside anymore, to say whatever comes to his mind without any filter. In an expression of skepticism, irony, tragedy and comedy, Tony’s portrait will make you reflect on the meaning of life and make you sympathize with the protagonist.

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