‘Mamma Mia, here we go again’: a bit of a sequel, a bit of a prequel to a successful musical

On Prime Video sequel to the successful musical is available oh momentitled Mama Mia here we go again (in the original, just to stick to the verses of the famous song of the same name AbbaName Oh mom! Here we go again).

Ten years later, we return to the decidedly postcard splendor of the Greek Isles to encounter something between a sequel and a prequel to the wild and successful 2008 musical, with almost all of the lavish original cast, albeit with some of the progenitor’s main characters. movie (Meryl Streep in particular), only appear in brief but eloquent cameos.

To these cornerstones are added other stars destined to be remembered, among which the taciturn and witty one stands out for his sympathy and eccentricity. Cher.

And so, in addition to two sublime divas, here is an overview Amanda Seyfried, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgard, Christine Baranski, Julie Walters, Dominic Cooperto which are added enchanting Lily James like a 20 year old woman, Andy Garcia in the role of a mature playboy consultant, not at all accidentally known as “Fernando”, etc.

Mamma Mia, here we are again – like a mother, like a daughter

Ten years have passed since Donna and her three lovers, as well as her daughter Sophie and her husband, began to live happily in a charming hotel, which the unstoppable blonde in overalls undertook to build.

Unfortunately, for several years now, Donna has died suddenly, and her daughter, as a token of gratitude to such a mother, is preparing to reopen the institution, updated and adjusted to today’s fashion. Meanwhile, Sophie’s husband, who is taking a hotel management course in the United States, receives a job offer there that he cannot refuse.

But Sophie is not discouraged and, despite the betrayal of two of her three fathers, is preparing to organize a magnificent inauguration.

In Mama Mia! Here we go again many things will happen, often disturbing, that will seemingly make the initiative impossible, but Sophie, determined and combative no less than her mother, helped by all those who love her, will be able to survive.

The ups and downs of the girl alternate, no different even from those that the young and no less purposeful and proud Donna had to face forty years ago in order to establish herself on an entrepreneurial and professional level, as well as on a sentimental level.

For both, the endless life in the mountains turns into decisive encounters to change their lives for the better, between carefree songs and dances that are well suited to signify the unstoppable course of events.

Mamma Mia, here we go again – review

The singing of feelings returns in a wild sequel Oh mom! produced, filmed and released in theaters exactly ten years after the resounding success of the original musical.

The feeling that everything changes in this sequel, starting from the main character, who is no longer there (alas, dear Donna died suddenly shortly before), but the singing and optimistic atmosphere, as well as the lacquered scenery in the earthly paradise version, remain and, if possible, punctuated between beautiful and perfect locations, but also so fake and paradoxical that they border on kitsch, and singing longing, whose rich colors of memorized photography work well with the shameless yet charming music of the timeless Abba.

This time, however, more than the exploits of Sophie (Amanda Seyfried), belong to a young woman of about twenty (one sun Lily James) to really engage an audience that probably feels somewhat destabilizing about having to constantly divide itself between two stories that don’t have the same pull.

Will that presence be sweet and pleasant Lily James manages to attract much more interest than the now seasoned Seyfried, but what really works in this exuberant sequel is, above all, the story of her youth, which tells us in images what we actually already knew about the past about the uncompromising and upbeat Donna, thanks to the stories of her three mature lovers throughout the first film.

Cher, the grandmother every grandchild would love to have

And finally, the “grandmother” enters the scene. Cher“, more exaggerated and kitschy than ever, and the film goes wild in its riotous and sly ending, showing off the best of crazy choreography and a riot of colors akin to peacock and ostrich feathers.

Again, as is often the case in sequels, Oh mom! Here we go again can not resist the beaded original. However, it turns out to be a worthy sequel, which, in the end, keeps almost everything that it promises, thanks to the sparkling pace and a truly titanic cast.

Thanks also for the light and perky songs of the group Abbawhich still guarantee an almost indelible pathos compared to the original film and which allowed Cher to return to the path of the singer with her album of covers by the Swedish band, which at the time of release had a great public response. movie.

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