“Great Jupiter”, there’s a DeLorean from “Back to the Future” in the Barriera di Milano

“Great Jupiter!” The famous exclamation for the generation that grew up with Back to the Future, where Emmett Brown’s “Doc” joke is by far one of the most famous in the trilogy. Who knows if you might want to say that word while watching a real DeLorean parked on Spazio 211. A few meters from the stage, the famous car will accompany the artists expected at the Doc Brown Music Fest on July 21st.

Aboard the perfect time machine from 9pm to midnight will be the Boogie Bombers, followed by Chris J Sandra, Disarmo, Jonathan Johnny, Martin Craig and The Black City, with Ka Ma as a special guest. The audience will be able to vary between genres, from funk to pop and soul, for three hours of music with artists who have already sung on Rai 2 along with Nek. In addition, some of them have international tours under their belts and have opened concerts for such singers as The Colors and Vasco Rossi.

The Doc Brown project, which also gave the name to the association organizing the festival, was born two years ago after Covid-19 to revive artistic activity after the shutdown caused by the pandemic. The project then grew and spawned a structure capable of managing a network of artists, professionals in the sector and initiatives organized in the area. “Ours,” the organizers write, “are all live performers, real stage animals, but at the same time authors and composers of their own music, with a clearly defined recording path and great live experience. This explosive mixture makes our offer not only of high quality, but unique and recognizable.”

Several tours have already been organized, and this time the goal is to play with the audience in the eighties, alternating songs and performances with quotes from Back to the Future. And who knows, maybe you can even imagine how you get into a DeLorean and, leaving a few trails of fire on the pavement, take off from our era to “landing” in 1985. Tickets cost €8.50 online and €10 if purchased on the day of the event (information and booking: docbrownbooking.com).

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