Rainy Season: Is the First Rain Making You Sick Myth or Reality? – Sinaloa Sun

every year when rainy season arrive, it’s not Strange That our acquaintances, friends and relatives extend cutting edge as warn us about this Danger of Get ill period first rain.

Very Common heard think disease he spread farther easily because humidity and the presence of insectswhile others think it’s just a myth. Do you also have such doubts?at this Chance we will analyze if rainy happened again reason bring disease to people.

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first rain

this Belief think first rain of seasonor call “bad rain” able Get ill it has property only inside Scientific knowledge already transmitted of generation after generation.

many culture surrounding world share this concept And you Attributes Different kinds name and explain. In some places it’s called “the flu” rainyor “disease monsoon“. The reality is that there are Different kinds factor they can Decide he risk contract diseases of this period.

Humidity and Disease

this humidity it is The key factor During this period season of rainy,since Air become more heavy and wet.Some disease as common cold and influenza they look like spread farther easily exist humid environmentbut is it really humidity this responsible?this expert exist healthy They claim that despite humidity can affect spread of certain virusesit’s not the only one determining factors for I got sick.

this humidity able contribute arrive Survive and spread certain virusesbut it is also real think disease he send most pass Droplets respiratory system That we expel when coughing or sneeze.

therefore, close contact and Infected people and a health enoughas wash often handthey are still measure farther Effective Prevent disease, in spite of of rainy season.


other factor closely related to season of rainy yes insect,in particular mosquito.these may be operator of disease as denguehe Zika virus and malaria.this proliferation These insects are usually Increase and humidity and accumulation of Still wateras puddle anyone container exposed.

it’s important take precautionshow to use insect repellent and Keep Clean this space to avoid spread of disease transmitted go through mosquito.

Although rainy can be appearance These insectthis prevention and control its population yes basic for reduce he risk of infection.


Although arrive of season of rainy may look like moment auspicious to increase disease,No scientific evidence That agree with think the first rainy itself identical yes cause directly from the disease.

Spread disease At this period this is more related and humidity and the presence of insectsbut these factors are not limited to the first rainy.

Finally, the idea is the first rainy sickness is more of a myth ingrained inside Tradition what is Reality confirmed.Although it is true humidity The presence of insects may contribute to the spread of certain diseases, which are let’s stay healthy The focus during the rainy season is on prevention and risk awareness.

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