Lady Gaga remembers Tony Bennet on Instagram: ‘I will always miss you’

Lady Gaga and Tony Bennettbefore professional collaboration they were bound by a deep sense of respect and affection.

The singer wanted to emphasize this once again.after the disappearance of the great singer, dedicated a touching message to him on Instagram.

I will miss my friend forever. I will miss singing with him, recording with him, talking with him, being on stage together. – He wrote – With Tony, I had to live my life in time. Tony and I had this magical power. We were transported to another era, modernized the music and together gave it a new life. Of course, he taught me music, life in show business, but he also showed me how to keep my spirits up and keep my head straight. He was an optimist, believed in quality work and quality life. (…) I mourned the loss of Tony for a long time. Although we were five decades apart, he was my friend. My real true friend. Our age difference didn’t matter. All I wanted was for Tony to remember how much I love him and how grateful I am to have him in my life. But as he slowly advanced (Alzheimer’s disease)I knew in my heart that he shared with me the most vulnerable moment in his life that he could be: he was ready to sing with me when his nature was changing so much. I will never forget this experience. I will never forget Tony Bennett. If I could say anything about this to the world, I would say: don’t underestimate your elders, don’t leave them behind when things change. Take care of your elders and I promise you will learn something special. Maybe even magical. And note the silence: some of the most meaningful exchanges between my musical partner and myself were without any melody.“.

A message that really touched his fans.

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