Naked dresses drive celebrities crazy

If we told you that they leave little room for imagination, what would you think? Probably to the so-callednaked dress, those transparent dresses that make visible the features of the body of those who wear them. A trend that is strongly reviving, and which is increasingly spreading among celebrities and not only, but also among men who do not refuse hide-and-seek shirts.

The undisputed queen of this trend was certainly Marilyn Monroe, who, during the famous “Happy Birthday Mr. President” performance, wore a dress all embroidered with rhinestones, with an almost transparent effect, or at least very eccentric for that time. Appearance is also very controversial. Jane Birkinbut very close to what modern stars are wearing when she appeared in a short dress, more transparent than ever, next to Serge Gainsbourg, and this was only in 1969!

Also called “transparency”, it’s just that this style was highly appreciated not only by various celebrities, but also by revolutionary designers such as Alaya, John Galliano, Jean Paul Gaultier, Prada AND Versace Atelieruntil it was normalized in the 1990s. However, the peak of this trend was reached only in 2014 due to Rihannawho collected the CFDA award in a completely transparent naked dress by Adam Selman, covered only by a fur pashmina.

Over the years, supermodels have followed in her footsteps for the first time, such as Kate Mossor singers like Cherbut still from rising stars like Kendall Jenner AND Bella Hadid at Met Gala 2017, Emily Ratajkowskibut also men, first of all Austin Butler AND Shawn Mendesnext to our local Blanco, for example, or Damiano dei Maneschin, or even Mahmud.

Thus, the nude dress trend is rightly moving towards a process of increasing normalization, with the result that it is increasingly present on the catwalk as well, suffice it to recall the last JACQUEMUS fashion show in Versailles, where transparent materials were the common thread of the presentation.

Kate Moss


Dua Lipa

Megan Fox

Kendall Jenner

Emily Ratajkowski

Gigi Hadid

Lily Rose Depp

Naomi Campbell

Bella Hadid

Kim Kardashian

Jennifer Lopez


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