ISSSTE – Rapid hepatitis C test available in El Sol de San Luis

In the National Institute for Worker Security and Social Services, ISSSTE offers rapid hepatitis C testit’s the same as They are mainly for people with certain risk factors, such as multiple sexual partnersthe practice of sunprotected exonucleaseand some barrier method, or who received a blood transfusion before 1992At that time, the detection of such viruses in blood donation was not standardized.

According to data from the CENSIDA National Hepatitis C Elimination Program in Mexico, Between 400,000 and 600,000 people have the disease, but many don’t know they have itTherefore, it is very important to detect this virus mutation in time, which is crucial to increase the chance of cure.

inside ISSSTE is stepping up efforts to promote reproductive health and prevent STDsThe transmission of hepatitis C can be prevented through self-protection measures, such as using male and female condoms, when used correctly.

Precautions regarding blood transmission, except There is a virus detection protocol when analyzing donated blood, and medical and nursing staff are continuously trained Concerning the precautions and care that must be taken when handling sharps, syringes, working with blood and blood derivatives, and applying methods for the proper disposal of all materials that come into contact with these fluids.

The hepatitis B vaccine is included in the universal vaccination program.applies from birth to the first months of life, for which mothers and fathers are advised to exercise vigilance in protecting their sons and daughters from the disease and its long-term complications, in addition to attending preventive medicine services in medical units to obtain this benefit.

Among the symptoms of this disorder, it is important to note that many are not problem specific but suspiciousHowever, when a patient develops symptoms such as fever, headache, diarrhea, yellowing of the complexion, and yellowing of the eyes, it is important not to self-medicate and ask for careful evaluation; if infection with A, B, or C viruses is suspected, it is necessary to perform diagnostic tests and formulate individual Chemotherapy program.

Specific treatment for hepatitis B can last anywhere from a week to two years or more, depending on the situation.. Hepatitis C is curable if caught early, and the institute has new direct-acting antiviral therapies that can last for eight and 12 weeks with good remission rates of over 90%.

Hepatitis has global public health implications, especially viruses B and C; even if preventable Worldwide, they affect 323 million people and cause 1.1 million deaths each year.

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